- He used to learn everything by rote. 他过去总是死记硬背。
- I am to feel everything is by oneself. 我是觉得一切是由自己。
- She did everything by fits and starts, but stuck to nothing long. 她做事总是凭一时高兴,什么事都干不长。
- I passed the examination by learning everything by rote. 我凭死记硬背通过了考试。
- One is firmly established by oneself. 卓然自立。
- Unable to manage by oneself; incompetent. 不能自立的;无能力的
- Do they decide everything for you besides your profession? 除了你的工作,他们是不是还为你决定别的事情?
- Visitors can drive by oneself and have. 游人可自驾车而上。
- She always does everything by the book. 她总是照章行事。
- Own destiny should create by oneself. 自己的命运应由自己创造。
- Enjoy the interest of fossick by oneself. 当年淘金的辛酸史,并亲身体验淘金的乐趣。
- My boss does everything by the book. 我们老板一切照章办事。
- One often has to learn to do things by oneself. 人常须学会。
- She used to learn everything by rote. 她过去总是死记硬背。
- I can manage to do everything by myself. 我能努力自己做一切事情。
- Living by oneself is very lonely. 独自一个人生活很孤单。
- Parents in China often decide everything for their children,which would encourage them in idleness. 中国的父母经常替孩子作出任何决定,这会助长孩子的惰性。
- He is an unimaginative person who does everything by the book. 他是个缺乏想像力、一切照章办事的人。
- The attitude decides everything you do! 态度决定一切!
- Autocracy allows one person or one political party to decide everything, whereas democracy requires that all people make decisions together. 专权政治是由一人、一党做主,民主政治则是由全民做主。