- the deceptive simplicity of her writing style(= it seems simple but is not really) 她那看似简单实则不然的写作风格
- Its simplicity of appearance is deceptive[de- cept -ive]. 它简单的外表是欺骗性的。
- Simplicity is the essence of good taste. 纯朴是情趣高尚的主要因素。
- The network computer offers simplicity. 网络计算机提供了简洁性。
- The essence of all good strategy is simplicity. 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。
- deceptive simplicity 简单的深邃
- His simplicity made him easily fooled. 他的无知使他很容易受骗上当。
- The method is simplicity itself. 这一方法再容易也没有了。
- The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 该计划的妙处在于简洁明了。
- Deliberately misleading; deceptive. 有意欺骗的; 容易使人上当的
- The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity. 僧侣界通常过着简朴生活。
- Meaningless or deceptive language; humbug. 废话,蠢话无意义或虚伪的话; 胡说
- He lives a life of monastic simplicity. 他过著修道士般的简朴生活。
- Modern furniture design tends to simplicity. 现代家俱设计越来越简单。
- The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children. 这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。
- Deceptive advertising have damaged the company's image among the consumer. 虚假广告已损坏了该公司在消费者中的形象。
- Appearances are very often deceptive. 外表往往是靠不住的。
- He takes advantage of her ignorance and simplicity; it isn't cricket. 他乘机利用她的无知和单纯,这种做法是不光明正大的。
- I like the simplicity of her dress. 我喜欢她衣着的朴素。
- The study was furnished with studious simplicity. 书房中布置得简朴是有意的。