- debt service fund 偿债基金
- The net savings to taxpayers after debt service is subtracted are projected to be more than $200,000 a year. 预计它在扣除债务服务费用之后每年将为纳税人净节约20多万美元。
- You have to kick two jiao in each month for the cooperative medical service fund. 你必须每月缴付2角钱作为合作医疗基金。
- The net savings to taxpayers after debt service is subtracted are projected to be more than $ 200,000 a year. 预计它在扣除债务服务费用之后每年将为纳税人净节约20多万美元。
- Debt service coverag Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service. 债务还本付息率即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。
- Ratio of Annual Debt Service to original principal of the loan. Also known as a mortgage constant. 原贷款本金每年的借债服务比率。亦称房屋贷款常数。
- Debt Service Cash required in a given period for the repayment of interest and principal of a debt. 还本付息在既定时期内还本付息所需的现金。
- On the liability side, it will take time to deleverage and realign debt service with income. 就负债面而言,去杠杆化和债务负担的调整过程都需要时间。
- The letter also reminds AIs to continue to adhere to normal prudent lending criteria, including those relating to the debt service ratio. 此外,该信件提醒认可机构须一如以往,继续遵守审慎的贷款标准,其中包括供款相对入息的比率方面的准则。
- Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable, securities generation custody, Agents Registration accounts. 证券的代理买卖、代理还本付息、分红派息,证券代保管、代理登记开户。
- Acting sale of securities, debt service agent, dividends payable; Securities generation custody, verification; Agents Registration accounts. 证券的代理买卖、代理还本付息、分红派息;证券代保管、鉴证;代理登记开户。
- This dynamic may indicate an even further need for tightening, which has the potential to push the economy into a recession, by raising the cost of debt service for UK consumers. 这表明了有必要再进一步收紧,使英国消费人的借贷成本提高,但亦因而可能把经济推向衰退。
- When the debtor fails to carry out the debt service, the mortgagee has the priority of being paid back first through the auction of the mortgaged real estate according to law. 债务人不履行债务时,抵押权人有权依法以抵押的房地产拍卖所得的价款优先受偿。
- Community Legal Service Fund and Charges 社区法律服务基金和收费
- The cost per kilowatt hour of producing electricity; it includes the cost of capital, debt service, operation and maintenance, and fuel. which does not include transmission and distribution costs. 即发电成本价,不含线损和配电损失。以前报导的美国核电成本价为1.;82美分,即是这个价。
- The other funding scheme, the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme, encourages more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的则在于鼓励年青人参与义务工作,服务社会。
- The other funding scheme,the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme,encourages more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的则在于鼓励年青人参与义务工作,服务社会。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- On the other hand,the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme would encourage more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的在鼓励年青人义务工作,服务社会。