- Through debt issuing activities,the HKMC is able to achieve the objective of promoting the development of the Hong Kong dollar debt capital market. 通过积极的发债活动,按揭证券公司促进了本地港元债务市场的发展。
- Through debt issuing activities, the HKMC is able to achieve the objective of promoting the development of the Hong Kong dollar debt capital market. 通过积极的发债活动,按揭证券公司促进了本地港元债务市场的发展。
- Credit risk: The risk that a debt issuer may default on payments. A. 信货风险,信用风险:债务发行机构违约不偿债的风险,又称对手风险。
- In 1994,the HKMA extended the service to cover Hong Kong dollar private sector debt issues. 这项服务于一九九四年扩展至私营机构发行的债务证券,并且发展迅速。
- A total of $152 billion Hong Kong dollar debt issues were launched in 2001,compared with $181 billion in 2000. 二零零一年,港元债券发行总额有1,520亿元,二零零零年则有1,810亿元。
- The motorized vehicle driver should apply to the issuing vehicle management station for license change, within 90 days after the expiration of his driving license. 机动车驾驶人应当于驾驶证有效期满后90日内,向驾驶证核发地车辆管理所申请换证。
- In 1994, the HKMA extended the service to cover Hong Kong dollar private sector debt issues. 这项服务于一九九四年扩展至私营机构发行的债务证券,并且发展迅速。
- A total of $152 billion Hong Kong dollar debt issues were launched in 2001, compared with $181 billion in 2000. 二零零一年,港元债券发行总额有1,520亿元,二零零零年则有1,810亿元。
- The Swiss government has also left open the option of guaranteeing new debt issued by the banks. 瑞士政府还可能会为本国银行发行的新债提供担保。
- Government debt paper provides a benchmark yield against which private debt issues can be priced. 政府债务票据提供的基准收益,可用作私营机构发债的定价叁考。
- In Hong Kong he said that this was provided through the repurchase of debt issued by the currency board and fully backed by foreign reserves. 就香港来说,所用的方式是购回由货币发行局发出,并以外汇储备提供十足支持的债券。
- A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. 债券由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证
- The idea was that investors would boycott the debt issues of offending countries and force governments to bring fiscal policy back into line. 锚定了货币的价值,债权人的利益便受到了保护。而大手大脚的政府则被迫削减支出。
- As nominal interest rate to 9 percent, unsecured debt issued 08 new lake was subscribed within a few minutes when a space. 由于票面利率达到9%25,没有担保的08新湖债发行时几分钟内被认购一空。
- Generally, guaranty is a way of ensuring people's credit in debt issues, with the purpose of fulfilling the creditor's right. 摘要保证属于债的担保方式中人的担保,主要目的是保障债权的实现。
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行。
- Some corporations are struggling to roll-over commercial paper, short-term debt issued to finance working capital, payroll payments and the like. 一些雄司苦苦挣扎于结转商业票据,刊行短期债券来张罗流动资金,支付人为和其他用度。
- TLGP rules demanded that once borrowers tapped the program they had to use it for all debt issues with maturities of as much as three years. 临时流动性担保计划规定,一旦金融机构通过这一计划发债,那么它们就必须对三年期以内的债券都使用这一计划。
- This road is closed to motor vehicles. 这条路机动车不准通行。
- All manner of vehicles were used. 使用了各种车辆。