- Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor. 防护罩消失了,回来攻死亡星球的反应炉
- Fly the X-wing and assault the Death Star. 飞的X荣及殴打死亡的明星。
- "Death Star" Galaxy Black Hole Fires at Neighboring Galaxy. “死星”星系黑洞喷射物冲击邻近星系。
- He's just told us the name of the pilot who destroyed the death star! 他刚刚向我们透露了那个摧毁死星的飞行员的姓名!
- Another plot involving Xizor was the release of the Death Star plans. 西佐插手的另一个阴谋就是将死星计划。
- He had constructed a second mightier Death Star, near the forest moon of ENDOR. 他在一个月圆之日,构筑了又一个强烈的死亡之星。
- His warnings went unheeded, and Tagge died when the Death Star was destroyed. 他的警告未获注意,因此塔吉于死星爆炸时丧命。
- I think this image looks like a Death Star chasing a renegade fighter, just about the time you realize that means the Death Star is headed towards you. 我觉得这张照片象是一个“死星“正在追逐一个骷髅战士,然后你会发现这意味着”死星“正在象你而来。
- The chairs at the briefing are basic office chairs with casters, just like the chairs aboard the original Death Star. 作战指示会上用的椅子是装配了小脚轮的基本办公椅,就和第一颗死星上的椅子一样。
- Ackbar uncovered many Imperial projects that were thought to be classified, including the Death Star. 阿克巴发现了许多被认为是机密的帝国计划,包括死星。
- Repairs spaceships, rescues people, carries vital messages and helps to blow up the Death Star. 修理飞船,解救民众,传送重要讯息,协助炸毁“死星”。
- The prototype superlaser had several disadvantages compared with the working model of the first Death Star. 跟死星I上可用的超级激光炮相比,原形超级激光还存在一些缺点:比如,其火力仅够毁灭行星的核心;
- This team was to deactivate the deflector shield protecting the new Death Star from Rebel attack. 突击队的目标是摧毁保护新死星的防护盾,为起义军的总攻作准备。
- I was born here and when I saw the death star gone, I wanted everyone to know that we'd won! That Vader was dead and.That the war was over! 我生在这里,而当我看到死星被摧毁时,我想让所有人知道我们获胜了!维达死了并且。战争也结束了!
- Other Mon Cal cruisers weren't so lucky -- several were atomized by searingly powerful blasts from the second Death Star's superlaser cannon. 但其它曼-卡拉玛尔巡洋舰就没有那样幸运了,部分甚至被第二死星的超级激光炮轰击成原子残骸。
- Armed with knowledge of the Death Star's sole weakness, Alliance starfighter pilots soared toward the Imperial superweapon. 在了解死星的唯一弱点下,联军战机飞行员呼啸著冲向帝国超级武器,即为亚汶之役的开始。
- Armed with knowledge of the Death Star's sole weakness Alliance starfighter pilots soared toward the Imperial superweapon. 在了解死星的唯一弱点下联军战机飞行员呼啸著冲向帝国超级武器即为亚汶之役的开始。
- To protect the Death Star, it was equipped with 10,000 turbo-laser batteries, 2,600 ion canons, and over 700 tractor beam projectors. 为保证安全,死星上配有10,000门涡轮激光排炮与2,600门离子炮以及700多个牵引光束发射器。
- Armed with knowledge of the Death Star's sole weakness, Alliance starfighter pilots soared toward the Imperial superweapon. 在了解死星的唯一弱点下,联军战机飞行员呼啸著冲向帝国超级武器,即为亚汶之役的开始。
- During the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron flew as Red Group, in homage to the original X-wing squadron that flew over the the first Death Star. 恩多战役期间,为了向原来飞跃第一颗死星的X翼中队致敬,侠盗中队以红色机群的名义参战。