- Chronic poisoning may lead to death from inanition. 慢性中毒也可能由虚弱导致死亡。
- A large percentage of pollution comes from automobile exhausts. 大部分污染是汽车排出的废气造成的。
- To her death from the cliffs yesterday. 昨天有位女子跳崖摔死了。
- Lower the risk of death from all causes. 降低死亡的风险。
- The refugees were in peril of death from hunger. 难民有饿死的危险。
- They were in peril of death from hunger. 他们有死于饥饿的危险。
- More death from the pot than from poverty. 酗酒而死者多于贫困。
- Demons that rain death from above... This is nuts! 恶魔将死亡之雨散布...这太疯狂了!
- We are ACE of the A9 Airforce,The Death from sky! 实在太赞了!!为何最后没有演完就结束了呢?
- He was nearly beaten to death from loss of blood. 他被打得皮开肉绽,鲜血迸流。
- death from automobile 车祸死亡
- The lost camper staved off death from hunger by eating birds eggs. 迷途的露营者食鸟蛋以免饿死。
- The lost camper staved off death from hunger by eating birds eggs. 迷途的露营者食鸟蛋以免饿死。
- You may be headed toward a classic case of death from overwork. 你可能正符合典型的“过劳死”症状。
- Thailand on Monday reported its third death from avian influenza. 周一,泰国报道第三例禽流感患者死亡。
- Death from ambient carbon monoxide poisoning is increasing. 由周围环境一氧化碳引起的中毒死亡人数越来越多。
- Fumes from automobiles and factory chimneys are toxic. 汽车尾气和工厂排放气体都有毒。
- Did anyone starve to death from not eating an apple? 一个苹果不吃,饿死人没有呢?
- The main gaseous pollutants from automobile exhausts, nitrogen dioxides and carbon monoxide, are the major air pollutants in the city. 摘要氮氧化物和一氧化碳是汽车尾气的主要气态成分,也是城市空气的主要污染物。
- My lord, I have received my sentence of death from the Almighty. 老爷,我已接受了上帝判处我的死刑。