- Death and dice level all distinction. 死亡和骰子一视同仁。尽管截然不同,却一样铁面无私。
- Recall Death. Foe vividly recalls its future death and dies. 体验死亡:受术者体验到将来的死亡并因而死去。
- Mortal immortals, immortal mortals, living their death and dying their life. 必死的不朽,不朽的必死;生活在他们的死里,死在他们的生命里。
- He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him,beseeching one little forgiving word,but he would turn his face to the wall,and die with that word unsaid. 他暗自幻想著自己躺在床上,病得快死了,他的姨妈低著头站在他的床前,恳求他说一句原谅她的话,可他偏要听任死亡的到来,硬不肯说这句话。
- Now with the publication of important books such as On Death and Dying and Learning to Say Goodbye, people have become more aware of the importance of expressing feelings about death and, as a result, are more willing to talk about this taboo subject. 目前,随着《论死亡与面对死亡》及《学告别》等重要书籍的出版,人们业已意识到表达有关死亡的情感的重要性,结果,也就愿意谈论这一禁忌话题了。
- Sonia is an Englishwoman whose aunt has died, and she and her Taiwanese husband Sean are flying to London for the funeral. On the plane, they discuss death and dying. 苏妮亚是英国人。她的阿姨已经过世了,而她和台湾籍的丈夫尚恩正飞往伦敦参加葬礼。她们在机上讨论死亡和临终的问题。
- The choice lies between death and dishonor. 必须在死和羞辱之间作一抉择。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him beseeching one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid. 他想象着自己躺在那儿病了,快要不行了,他姨妈俯身弯腰看着他,恳求他讲一两句饶恕她的话,可是他转过脸去冲着墙,没说原谅她就死去了。
- He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him, beseeching one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid. 他暗自幻想着自己躺在床上,病得快死了,他的姨妈低着头站在他的床前,恳求他说一句原谅她的话,可他偏要听任死亡的到来,硬不肯说这句话。
- He had to choose between death and dishonour. 他必须在死亡和屈辱之间作出选择。
- Music Therapy and Death and Dying 音乐治疗和死亡与濒死
- A Physician's Guide To Coping With Death And Dying 临床医师应对死亡与临终指南
- Is preoccupied with death and dying 一心想死
- The TV cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest. 进行逮捕时正好有电视摄像机录下了这场面。
- The plant was starved of light and died. 这株植物因为极度缺乏光照而死了。
- He collapse in the street and die on the way to hospital. 他在大街上晕倒,在送往医院途中死去。
- The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country. 敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。
- He overdosed (on sleeping-pills) and died. 他服用安眠药过量致死。
- He was injured greatly and died hard. 他受伤极重,在挣扎中死去。