- Grief and disappointment are hastening his death. 悲哀和失望加速他的死亡。
- He set his teeth with anger and disappointment. 他又气愤又沮丧的咬紧了牙关。
- She was in a daze and could not understand what was happening. 她很芒然,不明白发生了什么事。
- Perhaps you only regret and disappointment! 也许你只有后悔和失望了!
- daze and disappointment 怅惘
- He was in a daze and could not understand what was happening. 他一直处在晕头转向之中,而且无法知道发生了什麽事。
- In the utter sickness of longing and disappointment, she went home. 他怀着渴望又失望的极度苦痛心情回家了。
- I'm in a daze and some days still can't believe my great fortune. 在这段时间里,我依旧迷乱而不敢相信自己的好运气。
- He had made no secret of his disapproval and disappointment. 他并不隐瞒自己的不满和失望。
- His feeling varied between hope and disappointment as he waited. 他等待时心情时而充满希望,时而很失望。
- His face simulated grave concern and disappointment. 他脸上装着一幅非常忧虑和失望的样子。
- His heart was hardened because of his shame and disappointment. 羞辱和失望使他的心肠变得冷酷起来。
- I looked up and saw a look of total disgust and disappointment. 我抬起头,看到一张充满厌恶和失望的脸。
- Shame can do it.Sorrow can do it.So can disillusionment and disappointment. 也许,被人羞辱、忧愁、希望幻灭和失望等,都可以令人心碎。
- Many evenings my mother would find me wandering in a daze and take me home. 多少个晚上,妈妈出来找我,见我愰愰惚惚流落街头,就把我领回家。
- His wife looked dazed and remained speechless. 他底妻简直痴似的,话一句没有。
- He lay on the ground, dazed and weak. 他躺在地上,头昏眼花,浑身无力。
- The punch left him dazed and bleeding. 这记重拳打得他眼冒金星,还流了血。
- She looked dazed and frightened. 她看上去精神恍惚,吓得够呛。
- Stop dazing and let's get going. 韩佳:哎,大牛,别发愣啦,赶紧走吧。