- Daylight struggled in through the dirty panes. 日光困难地透过污秽的窗玻璃照射进来。
- Only so can aggression be checked. 只有这样才能阻止侵略。
- I haven't seen your garden in daylight before. 我以前还没有在白天看过你的花园呢。
- The colours look different when viewed in daylight. 在日光下看,颜色显得不同。
- We got up at the first streak of daylight. 我们一天亮就起床了。
- The kidnapping occurred in broad daylight. 在光天化日之下竟发生绑架事件。
- This move constitutes an act of aggression. 这一举动构成了侵略行为。
- That country was guilty of aggression. 那个国家犯了侵略罪。
- Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche? 损人利己是否是人心灵的主宰?
- More and more crimes are being committed in broad daylight. 现在在光天化日之下犯罪的事情越来越多。
- daylight aggression 明日张胆的侵略
- The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street. 在拥挤的街道上,光天化日之下竟发生了抢劫。
- How many hours of daylight do we have in a day? 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光?
- Troops are on the alert against any possible aggression. 军队戒备着可能的来犯。
- John explained it again, and at last I began to see daylight. 约翰又解释了一遍,我总算明白了。
- Three pounds for two sandwiches? It's daylight robbery! 两个三明治要三镑? 简直是敲竹杠!
- It's daylight robbery to charge60 pence for a cup of tea. 一杯茶卖60便士,简直是漫天要价。
- The whole land rose to resist foreign aggression. 举国奋起抗击外来侵略。
- I struggled with the problem for hours before I saw daylight. 这个问题我费了几小时才弄明白。
- Fifty US dollars for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery. 一杯咖啡五十美元简直是光天化日之下抢钱。