- Michael bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. 大天使麦可是在艰难或危险时刻强化心智的奇迹天使。
- Ariel bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. (亚列尔赠给那些在日常生活中必须要战斗的人坚强信念的盔甲。
- There is an unchallengeable answer in the Pail canon for every problem that the human race encounters in day to day life. 在巴利圣典里,蕴藏著人类日常生活中一切苦恼的终极解脱之道。
- But for the people of China these are not, of course, abstract numbers --- they translate directly into improved standards of day to day life and hope for the future. 但是对中国人民来说,这些当然不是抽象的数字---它们直接转化为日常生少水平的提高和对未来的希望。
- Those that suffer from ongoing bouts of tiredness may well broadcast this message eliciting others unconsciously to take of one's sexual energy or life force in one's day to day life experience. 那些持续不断遭受疲倦者可能在不断广播这一信息,诱使他人在你日常生活经历中无意识地带走你的性能量或生命力。
- Fundamen-tals of community building are the localization and day to day life which are also distinctive in making community building form the enforcement sovereignty and various organizations. 社会性、地域性和生活性是社区建设的基本特征,也是社区建设与政权建设等其他织建设相区别的重标志。
- Fundamentals of commun ity building are the localization and day to day life which arc also distinctive in making community building form the enforcement sovereignty and various organ izations. 社会性、地域性和生活性是社区建设的基本特征,也是社区建设与政权建设等其他组织建设相区别的重要标志。
- From day to day the town changes. 这座城镇的面貌天天在发生变化。
- We muddle along from day to day. 我们一天天地混日子。
- She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day. 她每天锻炼来减肥。
- Creeps in this petty pace from day to day. 一天接着一天地蹑步前进
- He smokes opium and drinks wine from day to day. 他天天抽鸦片、喝酒。
- You have been worse from day to day. 你的情形每下愈况。
- The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。
- A baby's need for food can vary from day to day. 婴儿对食物的需要天天都在变化。
- My mood seems to fluctuate from day to day. 我的情绪似乎天天在变。
- China is growing mightier from day to day. 中国日益强大。
- The temperature fluctuates from day to day. 温度天天在变化。
- His mood varied from day to day. 他的情绪每天都有变化。
- Providing one-stop service - day to day management. 提供一站式的服务