- Daycare providers; day care centers. 日托提供者; 日托服务中心
- Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers. 许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作
- She runs a small day care business out of her home in Milpitas, Calif. 她在加利福尼亚州的密勒比达斯经营着一家小小的日托所,最近她的服务项目扩大到课后照顾。
- Day care is provided by the company she works for. 她工作的那家公司有日托.
- Does he go to school, or any day care center? 他接着问
- They regretted the closure of the day care center. 他们为托儿所的关闭感到遗憾。
- We have thirteen kitties in the day care center. 我们这家托儿所有十三位小婴儿.
- After Spot died, Sallys family put Sallys grandfather into a care home. 点点死后,莎莉的家人把她祖父送进了疗养院。
- Local authorities may provide day care for under fives. 当地政府为五岁以下儿童提供日托服务。
- Outbreaks can occur among children in day care settings. 此症可于儿童日间护理院内造成爆发。
- A little girl and a little boy were at day care one day. 一天,一个小女孩和一个小男孩一起在日托所里。
- To equip family day care providers with the knowledge to facilitate daily activities in taking care of infants and toddlers in a safe and healthy home setting. 这项课程是为了让家庭保姆得到应有的知识,以便在安全与健康的家庭环境下照顾婴幼儿。
- Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children.In recent years, though, a growing trend is to put preschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work. 传统上,母亲们会和孩子待在家里,但是近几年来,把孩子放在幼儿园好让妈妈去工作的趋势渐长。
- Studies have also found that young children exposed to older siblings at home and those who attend day care also have a lower risk of allergies and asthma, the authors note. 他们同时发现,家中有兄弟姐妹或日托幼儿园里的小孩得多种过敏症和哮喘的风险也相对较低。
- This may be a family member but it could be a home help or a carer in a care home. 他可能是家庭成员之一,也可能是家务女工或疗养院护理员。
- Similarly Resh, formerly known as The Raggedy One, who ran a care home for the elderly. 那个以前提起过衣衫蓝缕的雷希同样如此,他是一家养老院的老板。
- Dunstan's, a care home for blind ex-servicemen and -women on the southern English coast. Dunstan救护室,该救护室在英格兰的南海岸,为盲人男女老兵服务。
- These are the day-to-day activities that we have in our day care center. 这些就是我们幼儿园的日常活动。
- Or they may go to a residential care home where trained nurses will look after them. 或者他们可以住到养老院去,那里会有专业的护士来照顾他们。
- There is an urgent need for more day care centres and more hospital beds. 日间护理中心和医院床位急需增加。