- david anemone rhizome or leaf 铜骨七
- lacerate wood fern rhizome or leaf 熊蕨根
- common schizomussaenda rhizome or leaf 根辣
- A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf. 乳突花柱头、花瓣或叶子表面上细小的隆起物
- On the other side of the page or leaf. 在页后在书页的另一面或页后
- It is at your option to stay or leave. 去留随你的便。
- Having or bearing a leaf or leaves. 长有或带有一片叶子或多片叶子的
- chinagreen rhizome or leaf 粤万年青
- altai or irkutsk anemone rhizome 九节菖蒲
- Thallus A plant body undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf. 无根、茎、叶分化的植物体。
- Flaccid Anemone Rhizome capsules 地乌胶囊
- AIM: To establish the quality standard of Guijiu(Rhizome or root of Podophyllum emodi(Wall.) Ying,Dysosma versipellis(Hance) M. 目的:建立毒性中药鬼臼的质量标准。
- Of or relating to a leaf or leaves. 叶的叶子的或有关叶子的
- Total saponin of Flaccid Anemone Rhizome 地乌总皂苷
- He wasn't sure whether he should stay or leave. 他拿不准自己该留下还是离开。
- altai ( or irkutsk ) anemone rhizome 九节菖蒲
- Herbs perennial, rhizomatous or with a caudex. 多年生草本,根状茎或具一块根。
- altai (or irkutsk) anemone rhizome 九节菖蒲
- A shrub or tree, such as the mountain laurel, having a similar aroma or leaf shape. 月桂属的树木具有类似芳香和叶子形状的灌木或乔木,如山月桂
- You have the option to take it or leave it. 你有采纳与否的自由。