- We are crossing the international date line. 我们正越过国际日界线。
- We're crossing the International Date Line. 我们下越过国际日界线?
- Weve crossed the International Date Line. 我们已经过了国际日期变更线了。
- What is the purpose of the International Date Line? 国际日期变更线是用来做什么的?
- The International Date Line is a geographical noun. 国际日期变更线是个地理名词。
- But Date Line still supports afternoon rebounce. 但日线技术面还是支持午后延续反弹。
- An international calendar that lets you set up meetings across the date line. 一种允许跨日期变更线设置会议的国际日历。
- If we cross the date line from the east to the west we have to omit one day. 如果越过日界线从东向西走,必需跳过一天不算。
- The International Date Line goes north-south across the Pacific Ocean. 国际日期变更线由南向北横跨太平洋。
- When he crosses the date line he subtract a day from his calendar in order to compensate. 当他越过日界线时,要从他的日历上减去一天,才能得到补偿。
- New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line,so it is the first country to get the new day. 新西兰位于国际日期变更线以西,所以它是世界上第一个迎接新一天到来的国家。
- If you travel by ship across the Pacific,you will cross the Internationai Date Line. 一如果你乘船旅行渡过太平洋;你将经过这条国际日期变更线.
- If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line. 如果你乘船航行穿越太平洋,你会穿过国际日期变更线。
- China has an archaism: “sits the date line 80,000 miles, the survey remote looks at a Qian River”. 中国有句古语:“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”。
- "Practice " hind, the company is studying hammer and tongs up and down hairnet stands, strive for go up at an early date line. “开业”后,公司上下正在全力以赴研发网站,争取早日上线。
- A subtropical ridge is anchored east of the date line, and situated in the SW periphery of that ridge LINGLING is currently moving northwestwards. 受到在换日线以东的一个副热带高压脊影响,玲玲向西北方向移动。
- The prime meridian is at 0 degrees longitude, and the international date line is at 180 degrees. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude. 本初子午线处于0度经度,而国际日期变更线处于180度经度。赤道处于0度纬度。
- The Republic of Kiribati is a collection of 32 atolls and one coral reef island, sitting just west of the International Date Line and astride the Equator. 基里巴斯共和国由32块环状珊瑚岛(环礁)及一珊瑚暗礁岛组成,位于国际日期变更线以西,横跨赤道。
- It is known for its close proximity to the international date line, which makes it possible for some visitors to arrive in Samoa the day before they left. 萨摩亚东邻属于美国领土的美属萨摩亚,它因靠近国际日期变更线而闻名。你有可能到达这个国家的时候发现,当地的时间比你出发的日期还要早一天。
- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他们的婚期还没定下来。