- The bank's much-vaunted security system failed completely. 这家银行大肆吹嘘的保安设施完全无济于事。
- Security system computerized access card. 使用电脑刷卡及门禁管制出入。
- Really? Have you adopted a security system? 真的?你们安装了安全系统吗?
- Does the building have a security system? 大楼里有保安系统吗?
- Database security is only one concern for Web applications. 数据库安全性只是Web应用程序需要注意的一个方面。
- Have you adopted a security system? 你们安装了安全系统吗?
- Based on the discussions of DataBase security, system security and application security, it was analysied the security of MySQL systematically, and given some solutions. 通过对系统安全、数据库安全和应用安全3方面的阐述,系统地分析了MySQL数据库的安全问题,并提出了相应的解决方法。
- Enrollee In a biometric security system, a person who has a reference template in the system's database. 在生物特征安全系统中,系统数据库中拥有基准样本的人员。
- Cary put his key card into the security system slot. 凯瑞将他的钥匙卡插入保全系统。
- Intrusion Detection is an important means to achieve database security. 入侵检测是保障数据库安全的重要手段。
- Support the establishment of rural social security system. 支持建立农村社会保障制度。
- The social security system was pushed forward actively. 社会保障制度积极推进。
- Artoo, you can tell the computer to override the security system. R2,你快告诉电脑中断安全系统
- Here is one quick example of a weak security system. 这里是一个弱安全性系统的例子。
- Based on attack model of database, A model of database intrusion prevention system (DIPS) is proposed. The model extends the COAST firewall model with intrusion detection and updates database security from passive protection to proactive protection. 本文在分析数据库入侵攻击的基础上提出了一个层次化的数据库入侵防护模型,该模型是在Coast通用防火墙模型的基础之上,扩展了数据库的入侵检测功能,实现了数据库的安全保护由被动防御向主动防御的转变。
- On Social Security System of Rural Area in China in New Stage. 论新时期我国农村的社会保障制度。
- In database security, a form of inference control that determines, inadvance, whether or not a set of statistics can is released without causingpersonal disclosure. 数据库保密学中的一种推理控制,它事先断定有些统计量是否可以公开而不会被人员泄露。
- The set of permissions that can be granted by the security system. 可由安全系统授予的权限集。
- On the Debated Reform of Social Security System in the U.S. 争议中的美国社会保障制度改革。
- It was presented the development background , design and implementation techniques of a database security add-on . 介绍数据库安全插件的研制背景,给出一个可以提高数据库安全性的安全插件的设计方案与实现技术。