- database relation attribute 数据库关系属性
- The following example returns the member of a related attribute hierarchy that is not included explicitly in the query. 以下示例返回未显式包含在查询中的相关属性层次结构的成员。
- The structure of network, enterprise position in network, the relational attribute and absorptive capability among enterprises are the key factors affecting knowledge acquisition. 网络的结构、企业在网络中的地位、企业间的关系属性以及吸收能力是影响知识获得的关键因素。
- Subjectivity is the relation attributes when subject( human being) and object( including human being) have the relation of objectivity. 主体性是作为主体的人同作为客体的事物(括作为客体的人)于对象性关系时表现出来的关系属性。
- Conclusion: A complete and content rich database related to hypertension has been constructed, providing a new and useful bioinformatics query tool for hypertension and cardiovascular research. 最终实现了网上发布和查询。 结论 :通过整合现有相关信息 ,建立一个种类繁多、内容齐全与高血压相关的二级数据库 ,为高血压和心血管的研究提供一个新的便捷的生物信息查询的工具。
- By adopting relational database to resolve the representation, organization, index and storage of the flood dispatching cases, a database related to reservoir flood dispatching case is built. 利用关系数据库实现了洪水调度事例的表示、组织、索引和存储,并建立了水库洪水调度事例库。
- Related attributes that have been applied to the member code entity. 使用应用于成员代码实体的。
- Talking on Public Relation Attribute of the Nurse-Patient Relationship 浅谈护患关系的公共关系属性
- Pluralize the names of classes that group related attributes, static services, or constants. 对于成组的相关属性、静态服务和常量,类名称采用复数形式。
- A public relation firm handle all our publicity. 一家公共关系公司负责处理我们的全部广告宣传工作。
- A nested table represents a one-to-many relationship between the entity of a case and its related attributes. 嵌套表表示事例实体与其相关属性之间的一对多关系。
- A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. 一个人的幸福与家庭关系密切相关。
- I don't see any relation between the two problems. 我看不出这两个问题间的联系。
- For example, an intuitive solution to to decide privileges in FIAM systems is to ask Identity Providers (IdPs) about related attributes. 举例来说,一种在联合身分与存取管理系统中决定使用者权限的直观作法为直接地询问身分提供者(IdentityProvider)有关使用者的属性。
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来此暂住。
- This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. 只有授权的管理员才可以访问此数据库。
- I have nothing to say in relation to that matter. 关于那件事,我没什么好说的。
- Their relation seemed quite close. 他们的关系似乎十分密切。
- The ADC correctly replicates the non-security related attributes for objects but does not replicate security related changes because of permissions issues. ADC正确复制了对象的与安全性无关的属性,但由于权限问题而没有复制与安全性有关的更改。
- The expense bears no relation to the results. 花费与成果极不相称。