- data presentation protocol 数据表达协议
- We must understand the system of data presentation. 我们必须懂得表示数据的一套办法。
- Use the Swap button to reorganize the data presentation. 可以重新组织数据显示格式;
- Use the Swap button to reorganise the data presentation. 可以重新组织数据显示格式;
- The data present in the reparse point buffer is invalid. 在重解析点缓冲区中的数据无效。
- PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit 表示层协议数据单元
- The present Protocol will have the same force, effect and duration asthe statute of today's da te, of which it is to be considered as anintegral part. 本议定书应与今天通过的规约具有同等效力、作用和期限,应视为本规约的一部分。
- XSL specifies a language definition for XML data presentation and data transformations. XSL为XML数据的呈现和转换指定了语言定义。
- Control to log out of a Web site, all data present in view state and all post data is lost. 控件从网站注销时,视图状态中的所有数据以及所有已发送的数据都会丢失。
- The following list shows a few of the most common scenarios that utilize data binding as the method of data presentation and manipulation. 下面的列表演示一些利用数据绑定作为数据表示和操作方法的最常见方案。
- Immediately of vermicelli made from bean starch suspects to the statistical data presentation of actor cruel net, say its have cogged suspicion. 林俊杰的粉丝随即对优酷网的统计数据表示怀疑,称其有作弊嫌疑。
- PPCI Presentation Protocol Control Information 表示层协议控制信息
- At last of this thesis is the application of the model of data presentation interface in the Power Dispatching Automatize System"s human interface. 文中的最后给出了利用电力调度自动化管理系统中的数据库与人机界面的实例,在原有数据展示界面的基础上利用该模型对界面进行描述,并初步实现展示界面的生成。
- So far all the logging data presented by Crew1032 are satisfying to Party A. 如今,对于1302队提交的测井资料,甲方总是满意地进行验收。
- Lightweight Presentation Protocoln. 轻量级表示协议
- presentation protocol control information 表示层协议控制信息
- Note : 11 PLSD = 0105. 21All the data had been arcsin transformed in the analysis of variance , notransformed data present. 注:11PLSD=0105。21所有数据方差分析时均采用反正弦转换,上表列出数据为原始数据。
- These researchers used proper technique to let data present as a hierarchical graph, for example, Forrester diagram and Concept diagram. 例如:何氏图、概念图等方面之研究,均以独特之技术,将数据呈现为阶层结构图。
- They typically fall short when used to examine arbitrary or abstract data presented in more than two dimensions. 当用于检查超出二维表达的任意或者抽象数据方面时,就存在不足。
- Text data presented in images and video contains useful and important semantic information for automatic indexing. 视频图像中的文本包含了丰富的语义层次上的内容描述信息;为基于语义的图像检索提供重要的索引信息资源.