- data exchange unit 数据交换器
- You can get an exchange unit from Magnuson. 你能从马格努森那里得到一个交换单位。
- XML may be considered as the data exchange format. 您可以考虑用XML作为数据交换的格式。
- Technical Committee on Data Exchange. 以及一个数据交流技术委员会。
- DATA EXCHANGE - Send a message and receive a reply. 读取服务器的问候信息。
- VADE? Versatile Automatic Data Exchange? 万用自动数据交换机?
- Entity is the basic unit denoting information in data exchange file in IGES and each entity has the only corresponding type number . 元素是IGES数据交换文件中表示信息的基本单位,而每种元素都有唯一的元素类型号与之对应。
- Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) DDE methods are no longer supported. 动态数据交换(DDE)不再支持DDE方法。
- SERCOS is a international standard protocol,and it provided a realtime data exchange interface between NC unit and digital drives &PLC-IO. SERCOS是一种专用于数控单元与数字伺服装置及PLC-IO之间实现实时数据通讯的国际标准协议。
- The data exchange technique causes people to value highly. 数据交换技术技术正引起人们高度的重视。
- Handle to a dynamic data exchange (DDE) conversation. 动态数据交换(DDE)会话的句柄。
- MCGS through the device drivers for peripherals and data exchange. MCGS通过设备驱动程序与外部设备进行数据交换。
- Automatic test on radar performance parameter fault is separated and positioned into minimum exchange unit. 性能参数实时自动测试,故障隔离定位,系统自动安全保护。
- Milk smolder units and heat exchange units are fxed at the rear. 后置闷浆罐与热交换罐:前者自动控制出浆口所需熟浆的温度;
- Milk smolder units and heat exchange units are fixed at the rear. 后置闷浆罐与热交换罐:前者自动控制出浆口所需熟浆的温度;
- The basic exchanging unit is the burst which can be combined by two parts: BHP (Burst Head Packet, which is similar to the packet head in packet switching) and data burst. 基本交换单元突发,由控制分组(Burst Head Packet,BHP,作用相当于分组交换中的分组头)与数据突发两部分组成。
- Which defines a protocol for data exchange in a distributed environment. 它定义了在分布式环境中进行数据交换的协议。
- Object services include security, transaction management and data exchange. 对象服务包括安全、交易管理和数据交换。
- NetDDEdsdm_DESC='Manages Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) network shares. '管理网络DDE的共享动态数据交换。
- And the data exchange between control program and HMI is realized by DDE. 为此,对系统的硬件配置、上位机应用软件设计进行了较详细地讨论。