- The system was designed based on the data warehouse technology, and consists of the data analysis module, the pricing module, and the project evaluation module. 整个系统的设计建立在数据仓库技术基础上,主要由数据分析模块、电价决策模块和项目评估模块等组成。
- data analysis module 数据分析模块
- Multipurpose Automatic Data Analysis Machine. 多用途自动数据分析机。
- Analysis of variance was used for data analysis. 资料采用方差分析。
- Strong ability of logic and data analysis. 有较强逻辑思维能力和数据分析能力。
- SPSS and Epi Info6.02 was used for data analysis. 运用SPSS和Epi Info 6.;02软件分析干预前后知晓率、行为和态度的改变情况。
- SPSS was adopted as data analysis device. 文章的数据分析是通过运用SPSS软件包进行的。
- Tropo Automated Data Analysis Recorder System? 对流层自动数据分析记录系统 TADARS?
- Finish the quality report, taking data analysis and statistics. 完成每日、周、月的质量报表并进行数据统计、分析。
- Then, the spacial analysis module o f GIS-based information on assessment of geological hazards risk is develop ed. 在此基础上,利用信息量模型开发了基于GIS的空间分析地质灾害危险性区划模块。
- To produce ad-hoc data analysis and management reports as required. 在需要的时候提供特殊数据分析和管理报告。
- Logic thinking and good at data analysis and organize ability. 拥有良好的逻辑思维和数据分析组织能力。
- MANOVA and canonical correlations were used for data analysis. 共寄发556份问卷,回收304份问卷,回收率为54.;7%25。
- Question Analysis module is aim to analyze the input question from the syntax and accidence aspect so that to catch the real meaning of the user's question. 问题分析是对用户输入的问句从词法、句法上进行分解和分析,以掌握用户问题的真正意图;
- To support ONC Team on data analysis and other related task. 为肿瘤产品团队提供数据支持及其他相关工作;
- Advanced rapid spectral analysis module with great accuracy and repeatability. Our calibrations are available with traceability to NIM standards. 先进的快速光谱分析模块,采用一系列高新技术计量标准;
- My duty is carries on the statistical data analysis with SSPS. 我的任务是用SSPS进行统计数据分析。
- The result for statistical data analysis showed that the dif... 同时,也展望了无创血压装置未来的发展方向。
- In data analysis,visualization facilitates the abductive process. 在数据分析中,可视化工具较便利于进行溯因推理。
- Focus on design and implementation of K-Means-based anomaly detection algorithm engine and cluster analysis module, as well as the Apriori algorithm based on correlation analyzer. 重点设计和实现了基于K-Means 算法的异常检测引擎和聚类分析模 块,以及基于Apriori 算法的关联分析器。