- dark sky background 夜天背景
- A rainbow rose against the dark sky. 昏黑的天空中出现一道彩虹。
- The Sky background is visible within the viewport. 可以在视图内看到天空背景。
- The stars sparkle in the dark sky. 夜晚的天空上星星闪闪发光。
- A lightening splits the dark sky. 一道闪电划破了黑暗的天空。
- The stars pinpricked the dark sky. 繁星像针孔似的布满夜空。
- It was cold and white in the dark sky. 在黑色的天幕下月亮显得冰冷皎洁。
- Kiah looked out of the window at the dark sky. 凯透过玻璃凝望黑色的天空。
- The dark sky was shattered by a blue-white scar. 黑沉沉的穹苍绽裂开一道蓝白色的口子。
- There is a threat of rain in the dark sky. 黑云密布的天空有下雨的兆头。
- Stars seen as points of light in a dark sky. 在黑暗的天空中点点发光的星星。
- The hills merged into the dark sky behind them. 山峦渐渐隐入背后漆黑的夜空之中。
- This article mainly discusses target detection problem in sky background. 本文主要论述的是星空背景下的目标检测。
- There was a threat of rain in the dark sky. 乌云密布的天空有下雨之兆。
- A dark sky overhangs the earth . 昏暗的天空笼照大地。
- The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky. 彩虹在昏暗的天空划出了一道圆弧。
- Lightning flashed in the dark sky. 暗空中光电闪闪。
- That night, dark sky, the devil's cry. 此夜;黑暗的天空;恶魔哭泣.
- Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life. 我人生的片段焛掠过漆黑的夜空。
- Smoke from the chimneys rose against the dark sky. 烟从烟囱里飘向阴暗的天空。