- dances directed by songs 歌编舞
- The play was directed by a young comrade. 这个剧目是由一位青年同志导演的。
- Much of what we do is directed by our feelings. 在我们做的事情当中,有许多都受到感情的影响。
- Of, directed by, or authorized by a legate. 教宗使节的(罗马教皇的)使节的,受使节派遣的或由使节批准授权的
- The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg. 这部电影是由史蒂文 斯皮尔伯格导演的。
- We all like the movies directed by Feng Xiaogang. 我们都很喜欢看冯小刚导演的影片。
- The film was directed by Zhang Yimou. 这部影片是由张艺谋导演的。
- Positive return cams as directed by Tool Engineer. 正面返回的凸轮应遵循模具工程师的意见。
- That movie is directed by Ang Lee. 那部片子是由李安导演的。
- The movie will be directed by him. 那部影片将由他执导。
- The characteristic culture of Chu , characterized by songs and dances and praised in all China then , is creditably a mavellous flower in the Chinese national cultural fields . 其具有鲜明特色的楚文化不愧为中华民族文化园地中的一朵奇葩.;楚文化在当时更以歌舞笑傲中原;饮誉华夏
- Writen and directed by Kunio Kato. 编剧和导演都是加藤久仁生。
- Valdemar", directed by George Romero. 影片的主景是长岛海边的一幢白色住宅,屋子的主人是企业家亚桑和著名的室内设计家妻子伊芙。
- Yes. It was directed by a famous carver Phidias. 是的.;它是在一个著名的雕刻师--斯的指导下进行的
- It is marred, however, by songs that editorialize mawkishly about the children's plight. 但是,它被吵闹而乏味的关于小孩子困境的评论文章污损了。
- To show, express, or direct by gestures. 用手势表现、表达或指导
- A new film directed by Mr Zhang Yimou will be released next month. 张艺谋导演的一部新影片将于下月发行。
- When America was rocking to the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix, the airwaves inChina were dominated by songs with lyrics from Chairman Mao's LittleRed Book. 当美国随着披头士乐队和吉米亨德里克斯摇滚,中国的电波则充斥着毛主席语录为歌词的赞歌。
- History is directed by a small number of great figures. 历史是由少数伟大人物指引着方向的。
- We enjoy seeing the films directed by Charlie Chaplin. 我们喜欢看卓别林导演的电影。