- Mildewy become angry: This kind of question happens in damp paint surface more, if lunt condenses in glass and metallic surface,constant meeting produces the blotch of palm black. 发霉变色:这种问题多发生在潮湿的油漆表面,如水汽凝聚在玻璃和金属表面时常会产生棕黑色的污斑。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。
- The party was a bit of a damp squib. 这次聚会有些扫兴。
- The paint on the windows has flaked. 窗子上的油漆剥落了。
- Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质。
- He's a paint sprayer in the local factory. 他在当地工厂当喷漆工。
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
- Bread tends to mould in damp weather. 气候潮湿时,面包容易长霉。
- The damp climate seriously disagreed with her. 潮湿的气候使她感到很不舒服。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend. 我每次画一幅肖像就失去一个朋友。
- The boat would look better with a lick of paint. 这小船稍加颜色就好看了。
- I find that damp weather plays hell with my rheumatism. 我发现潮湿的天气使我的风湿病更严重了。
- The paint job had been done hit or miss. 油漆活做得马马虎虎的。
- These damp matches won't strike. 这些潮湿的火柴划不著。
- The kids bedaubed the wall with black paint. 那些小家伙用黑漆把墙壁涂画得乱七八糟。
- Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable. 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。
- The heat blistered the paint on the building. 高温使得那座建筑物上的油漆起了泡。
- It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain. 空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。