- C. Devin, “Survey of Thermal, Radiation, and Viscous Damping of Pulsating Air Bubbles in Water”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 31, pp. 1654-1667, 1959. 郑锦文,水中吸音材料于不同水深之特性探讨,国立中山大学海下技术研究所硕士论文,中华民国89年7月。
- We shivered in the damp of the forest. 我们因树林里的湿气而打寒颤。
- damping of pulsation 脉动阻尼
- The dampness of the climate decayed the books. 气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。
- How significant is aerodynamic damping of wave-induced motion? 浪载运动响应引起的气动阻尼是否重要?
- Three forms of pulsation attenuator models were designed and their performance parameters were determined. 设计了三种形式的供浆系统脉冲衰减器模型并测定其性能参数。
- The party was a bit of a damp squib. 这次聚会有些扫兴。
- A programmable damper ensures a precise readability of the indicating value in case of pulsation or if pressure peaks occur. 可编程减震器可以保证显示数值的精确性和可读性,防止抖动或压力峰值造成的影响。
- After drawing the distribution isoline of pulsation kinetic energy, which is divided into four areas, the distribution disciplinarian of pulsation kinetic energy is expatiated. 绘出了脉动动能分布的等值线图,把脉动动能的分布图分成4个区域,详细阐述了脉动动能的分布规律。
- An aglorithm named as uniform load statistical average method is proposed and its procedure is described based on the charicteristic of pulsation wind on structure. 根据建筑结构风荷载的作用特点,提出了一类时域识别算法,用于高层建筑结构的结构物理参数识别。
- The paper describes a numerical study on roll damping of ship by solving the Navier-Stokes equation. 本文运用求解N-S方程的手法研究船体的横摇阻尼问题。
- It was found that the damping of microfluid acting on the disk is correlative with surface characteristics of the disk. 微流体对圆盘的阻尼与圆盘面的表面特性相关。
- The experiment is made that the extracting solution from the glossy ganoderma (Ganoderma lucidum) can extend the time of pulsation of frog heart in vitro. 本试验发现,灵芝提取液能延长离体蛙心的搏动时间,分析认为灵芝对离体蛙心有一定的营养作用。
- Finite element method is used in the study of nozzle damping of instable combustion in a solid rocket motor. 应用有限单元法研究固体火箭发动机不稳定燃烧中的喷管阻尼,并用波衰减对比法进行了试验研究。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- On the other hand,the damp of fuel assembly in water increases greatly and restrains the aseismatic response greatly. 板状燃料组件在环境中的振动阻尼大,能大大抑制抗震响应。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- For measuring the mean flowrate of pulsating gas flow,damping chamber is set between the pulsating source and the flowmeter to damp the pulsating effects. 在用节流流量计测量周期性脉动气流的平均流量时,需要在脉动源与流量计之间添加稳压箱以减弱脉动对流量计的影响。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。