- You're evidently responsible as damages result from vessel latent defect. 因损害是由船本身的内在缺陷所致,贵公司显然应负责任。
- They may also agree upon a method for calculating the damages resulting from such a breach. 也可以约定对于违反合同而产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。
- That statute limits the liability of the nuclear industry for damages resulting from a single nuclear accident. 该法规为核工业对由于某一单个核事故而引起的破坏应承担的责任做出了限制。
- Take care of and coordinate repair and maintenance of module damages resulting from normal using. 完成并协调模具使用中损坏的维修和保养。
- Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower. 因粗心而引起的任何损坏由借用者负责赔偿。
- The damage resulted from the fire. 这损害由火灾造成。
- You evidently responsible as damage result from vessel latent defect. 因损害是由船本身的内在缺陷所致,贵公司显然应负责任。
- We agree to indemnify WACA and its members for any loss or damages resulted from the publication of our material submitted. 我等同意确保世华建协及其会员在出版我等参选数据后对所有损失及补偿不需要负责。
- OCSLA amendments of 1978 established liability for clean-up costs and damages resulting from OCS activities and created the Offshore Oil Spill Pollution Fund. 《外大陆架土地法案》1987车修正案规定了对清理费用和对由外大陆架活动造成的损害进行赔偿的金额,并建立了“近海石油泄漏污染基金”。
- Brain destruction is a cause of ventriculomegaly and may include in utero damage resulting from CNS infection. 脑毁坏是脑室扩大的原因之一,可包括由CNS感染所致的宫内损害。
- All risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, other than loss or damage resulting from any variation in temperature howsoever caused. 除了任何原因引起的温度变化造成的损失或损害之外的保险标的损失或损害的任何风险。
- Objective To investigate the possibility of the inner ear damage resulting from the traumatic perforation of tympanic membranes. 摘要目的探讨压力性鼓膜穿孔患者内耳是否受损伤及受损伤的程度。
- Accordingly, save in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct of ourselves and our agentes, we will not be liable for any damages resulting from errors, omissions or non-compliance of the information set forth herein. 因此,如果是由于我们自己或我们代理操作疏忽或操作不当,或不遵照这些信息执行,我们将没有义务承担由此错误而造成的损害。
- It also is related to bone marrow structural damage resulting from tumor invasion,large proliferation of granulation or fibrous tissue,which often affect hemopoiesis. 亦与骨髓被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润、肉芽和(或)纤维组织大量增生,使骨髓结构破坏,影响红系造血有关;
- We desperately need a result from this match. 这场比赛我们务必获胜。
- This article reviews pathegenesis of brain damage resulting from hyperglycaemia after brain stroke and effect of insulin on damaged brain reparation. 本文就高血糖对脑卒中后脑损害发生机制及胰岛素对脑损害修复中的作用进行综述。
- A disease resulting from parasitic infestation. 寄生物病,寄生虫病由寄生物感染引起的病变
- Related to or resulting from alcohol. 酒精的与酒精有关的或由酒精制成的
- An action resulting from a single instruction. 执行命令由单一指令而引起的操作
- Nothing will result from their airy plans. 他们那些不切实际的计划不会有什么结果。