- I was fresh as a daisy after the nap. 小睡后我的精神为之一振
- daisy Mae 澳大利亚测高计
- Daisy blew these things into Dianna's ears. 戴西悄悄地把这些事告诉黛安娜。
- He woke up fresh as a daisy after his long sleep. 睡了一大觉後他醒过来,精神抖擞。
- Banana, grape, apple, daisy which of these is the odd one out? 香蕉、葡萄、苹果、雏菊--这几样东西哪一样与众不同?
- I prefer the daisy and the knapweed in particular. 我特别喜欢雏菊和矢车菊。
- She looked fresh as a daisy after her short sleep. 她睡了一会儿以后,看上去精神饱满。
- And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. 而让Rita mae在时装店里负责销售。
- Go home to Mae and the kids, Jim. 回家照顾你的妻子梅和你的孩子吧,吉姆。
- Among them were Snow White, Daisy Duck and Louie. 它们中有白雪公主、戴西鸭和路易。
- I have made a decision, Rita Mae. 我已经做了决定, Rita mae。
- Daisy rose, smiling faintly, and went to the table. 黛西站了起来,微微一笑,走到桌子前面。
- I'm going to call Rita Mae right now. 我现在就打电话给Rita mae。
- I think you should call Rita Mae right now. 我想你现在就打电话给Rita Mae。
- The China rose, camellia, daisy... 月季,山茶,雏菊,海棠。。。
- Oda Mae: Ok, ok, look, you can use me. 奥德美:好了,好了,你们利用我吧。
- Daisy finds the party too raucous for her taste. 晚会一片喧闹不合苔西的口味。
- Student loan company Sallie Mae did the study. 该研究是学生贷款银行的学生贷款市场协会做出的。
- He also talks about his first meetings with Daisy. 他在谈话中也回顾了早年同苔西的交往。
- ODA MAE: Why are you making me do this? 奥德美:你为什么要我这样做?