- What is your daily intake of calories? 你每天摄取的热量是多少?
- What is your daily intake of calories [alcohol] ? 你每天摄取的热量 [酒精量] 是多少?
- The result of 8697 samples examinations showed that Fusui area was seriously polluted with AFB_1.(3)There was a close relationship between the level of AFB_1 pollution,the intaking amount of AFB_1 by the local residents and PHC mortality. AFB_1的污染水平及居民的AFB_1摄入量与肝癌死亡率有高度相关;
- Experts advocate daily intake does not exceed 5O milligram. 专家们主张每日摄入量不超过5O毫克。
- The resulting Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) is 0.63 mg/kg bw/day. 由此产生的耐受每日允许摄入量(TDI发动机)是0.;63毫克/公斤体重/天。
- The results showed that each of whom daily intakes of Calciu- m, Vitamin A, Vitamin B_2, Niacin and the amount of energy, Protein in the girl students were inadequate. 结果表明:每人每日钙、维生索A、B_2、尼克酸和女生的热量、蛋白质摄入量均不足。
- The intake amount of the food in pagoda is the esculent part of raw material. 膳食宝塔建议的各类食物摄入量都是指食物可食部分的生重。
- Because your body does not store excess protein, daily intake is necessary. 由于人体自身不会存储多余的蛋白质,因此有必要每日摄入。
- We designated 0.63 mg/kg bw/d as the tolerable daily intake, or TDI. 我们选定0.;63毫克/公斤体重/每天作为每日能忍受的摄入量,或者称为TDI。
- Fromthe results of subacute toxicity test ADI(Acceptable Daily Intake) of dicambawas presumably 0.64 mg/kg. 据亚急性试验初步推算麦草丹的每日容许摄入量(ADI)为0.;64mg/kg。
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of melamine is 0.63 mg/kg bw/day. FDA美国药物食品检验局建议:三聚氰胺每日容许摄取量为0.;63毫克/公斤体重/天
- When used to sweeten food, blends greatly decrease the likelihood that consumers will exceed acceptable daily intakes for individual sweeteners. 当食用含糖甜食时,混合代糖减低了用户日取糖分过量的可能性。
- The best way to do this is to add about 5grams per week until you reach the recommended daily intake. 最好的方法这样做是每星期增加大约5克,直到你应该达到的每日摄渗透量。
- The daily intake of iron, protein, fat, vitamin C, phytic acid and dietary fiber were determined, and compared with DRI. 同时对脂肪、瘦肉、57蛋白、植酸、纤维素和VC的日摄入量进行测定,并将结果与我国每日营养推荐膳食供给量(DRI)比较。
- However, the daily fluorine intake amounts could be limited within the tolerance (4.0 mg) when the fluorine contents of brick tea were lower than 400 ppm and the daily consuming amounts was less than 13.7 g. 但饮低氟含量(400ppm以下)砖茶且日饮用量少于13.;7克者;则可控制日摄氟量在限量(4
- Budov physicians pointed out that many of his patients in the moderate daily intake of vitamins and minerals, as has occurred less pain. 布多夫医师指出,他的许多病人在每天摄取适量的维他命及矿物质之后,已较少发生经痛。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- Some people believe that drinking caffeinated beverages will cause them to lose fluids so they can't be counted as part of their daily intake. 一些人认为,饮用含咖啡因的饮料会导致他们尿液的流失,所以不能把它当作日常生活中的一部分。
- S.Food and Drug Administration, which originally set its limit at 0.63 milligrams, later reduced its tolerable daily intake to 0.063 milligrams. 美国食品和药物管理局最初将限量定为0.63毫克,后来将每天可容忍的摄入量降低为0.063毫克。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。