- 拟肾上腺素药adrenomimetic
- norsympatol(拟肾上腺素药)去甲对羟福林
- 拟肾上腺素药和抗肾上腺素药对大鼠血压的影响Influence of Adrenomimetic Drugs and Antiadrenergic Drugs to the Blood Pressure of Rat
- 抗肾上腺素药anti-adrenergic
- 拟肾上腺皮质药adrenocorticomimetic
- 苯哌乙恶哚[抗肾上腺素药]solypertine
- 抗溶血素药antihemolysin
- 阻乙酰胆素药cholinolytic
- 去甲肾上腺素noradrenalin
- 抗盐皮质素药antimineralocorticoid
- 异丙肾上腺素,异丙基去甲肾上腺素,喘息定,治喘灵,异丙肾Novodrin
- 酚丙喘宁,酚丙喘定,芬忒醇,酚间羟异丙肾上腺素,非诺特罗Fenoterol; Fenoterol Hydrobromide; Fenterol
- 硫酸异丙喘宁,硫酸羟喘,硫酸间羟异丙肾上腺素,间羟喘息定Metaproterenol Sulphate
- 感染后两种细胞的泰素药敏分别约为未感染前的2.76和1.52倍,OVCAR-3细胞对ADM和5-FU药敏分别约为未感染前的1.6和3.01倍。The sensitivity of infected OVCAR-3 or OVCAR-8/TR to Taxol was increased up to 2.76 or 1.52 times, as compared with the control. The infected OVCAR-3 cells also had higher sensitivity to ADM and 5-FU, which digitally increased respectively 1.6 and 3.01 times when compared to the sensitivities before cells infected.
- 息喘酚,海索那尔,六甲双喘定,息喘芬,己双肾上腺素,哮平灵Leanol
- 特布他林双异丁酯,三丁喘宁,叔丁喘宁双异丁酯,间羟叔丁肾上腺素双异丁酯Terbutaline Diisobutyrate
- 苯肾上腺素phenylephrine
- 变肾上腺素metanephrine
- 正肾上腺素noradrenalin
- 肾上腺素计adrenalinoscope