- Eight cases of poor remedied vision were caused by diabetic retinopathy, post-operative cystic edema of the macula lutea, or traumatic keratoleukoma. 术后低视力8例与糖尿病视网膜病变、手术后黄斑囊样水肿、外伤所致角膜白斑有关。
- The tie on the cystic duct may slip off. 在胆囊管上的结扎可能滑脱。
- This is an adult ovary with two corpora lutea. 这是有两个黄体的成年女性的卵巢。
- Familialbilateral cystic dysplasia of kidneys. 为肾发育异常的弥漫性囊肿型。
- Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease. 囊性纤维性病是一种遗传性疾病。
- Can Curcumin Cure Cystic Fibrosis? 姜黄素能否治疗囊性纤维化?
- Can after is cystic polyp excised, you drink? 胆囊息肉切除后可以喝酒吗?
- "Cystic nephroma with sarcomatous transformation. “囊性肾瘤伴肉瘤转化”。
- How should be cystic stone treated? 胆囊结石该如何治疗?
- Pathology showed multilocular cystic nephroma. 病理组织显示其为多囊性肾瘤。
- Can be cystic scale cancer cured? 膀胱鳞癌可以治愈吗?
- Discussion of Disease: Cystic infratentorial mass. 讨论:囊性幕下占位病变。
- I how is such cystic stone treated? 我这样的胆囊结石怎么治?
- Leucocoprinus luteus (Godfrin) Locq.Lepiota lutea Godfrin. 纯黄白鬼伞(黄环柄菇 Leucocoprinus birnbaumii(Corda) Sing.
- This CT scan of the abdomen demonstrates large cystic kidneys. 腹部横断面CT显示大的囊肿肾。
- Gall-blader disease and cystic fibrosis also often involve me. 胆囊疾病和胰腺囊性纤维性变也常常纠缠我。
- Arge lutea Cameron, 190 , = Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise, 1933, syn. 新异名 ; Arge lutea Cameron;190 ;=Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise;193 3 ;syn.
- They are often cystic (so-called "juvenile astrocytomas"). 常是囊性的(所谓的青少年星形细胞瘤)。
- Diffuseporous wood is seen for example in yellow birch (Betula lutea). 加拿大桦(黄桦)的木材即为散孔材。
- Figures 1, 2. 21-22 weeks: unilocular, mid-line, cystic lesion. 图1、2孕21-22周:单房的位于中线处的囊性病变。