- It is equipped with piston rings to provide a good seal between the cylinder wall and piston. 上面装有活塞环,从而使活塞和气缸壁之间具有良好的密封性。
- The adjusting mechanism of the frictional resistance between the filler and cylinder wall,and between the subsoil and cylinder wall is discussed. 采用模型试验,以实测筒内、外土压力和筒底压力为依据,探讨内填料和地基土与圆筒筒壁间摩阻力的调整及其变化规律。
- Considered the diffusion of liquid in the cylinder wall, an equivalent constitutive equation of osteon in the longitudinal direction was obtained. 并考虑了液体在筒壁内的扩散,从而得到了骨单元沿轴向的等效本构方程。
- Parks J,Armfield J,Storey J,et al.In Situ Measurement ofFuel Absorption into the Cylinder Wall Oil Film During EngineCold Start[C].SAE Paper,No.981054. 刘圣华;赵慧;周龙保;李继军.;缸套壁面润滑油膜其对汽油机未燃碳氢排放影响的研究[J]
- Traditionally,the seal between the regenerator and cylinder wall has been accomplished using sliding bearings,but there was contact and wear in the bearings. 传统的回热器使用接触式滑动密封,存在磨损,限制制冷机的使用寿命。
- The piston is essentially a cylindrical plug that moves up and down in the engine cylinder. It is equipped with piston rings to provide a good seal between the cylinder wall and piston. 实质上活塞是一个在气缸中上下移动的圓筒状的塞子。上面装有活塞环,从而使活塞和气缸壁之间具有良好的密封性。
- Even slight traces of grit or dust left on the cylinder walls may cause rapid ring and wall wear and early engine failure. 残留在气缸壁上的砂砾或尘埃所造成的划痕,均能引起活塞环和气缸壁的迅速磨损以及发动机的早期损坏。
- New API specification PC- 9 test methods Cummins M - 11 /EGR and Mack T - 10 evaluate anti - wear performance of high soot level diesel engine oil on the position of engine such as cylinder wall,cross head, rocker and top piston ring. API推出了相应的标准发动机台架评定方法Cummins M-11/EGR及Mack T-10,用于评价PC-9规格的柴油机油在高烟炱的操作条件下在缸套、十字头、摇臂和顶环部位的抗磨损性能。
- However, in some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with chromium, a very hard metal, to reduce wall wear and lengthen their life. 而对于一些小型发动机,气缸壁面镀铬,铬是一种硬度非常高的金属,可减少气缸壁的磨损并延长使用寿命。
- To combine the X-ray diffraction technology with the autofrettage optimum model theory, the computer program gives the distribution of the residual stresses across the cylinder wall thichness. 结合已经试验验证的自增强优选模型理论和X射线衍射技术,再利用相应的计算程序,实现了自增强残余应力的无损检测。
- Shape optimization was used to optimize the thickness of the cylinder wall, taking mass reduction as the objective and the maximum stress being below the original one as the constraint. 应用形状优化对曲轴箱两侧壁面的厚度进行优化,以减重为优化目标,以最大应力不超过原缸体应力为约束条件。
- In this paper,the stress states in ironing are described;the tensile stress formulaeof the cylinder wall are obtained by using upperbound method;and a new ultimate deforma-tion is presented. 本文分析了变薄拉深中材料的应力状态,并采用上限法导出了筒壁拉应力解析式,提出了一种新的极限变形率。
- In this system, cylinder walls are lubricated by splashing oil thrown off from the connecting-rod bearings. 在这一系统中;汽缸壁是由连杆轴承运动飞溅起来的油进行润滑的.
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- EMCYLDN oils 460C, 680C are compounded grades to provide better adhesion to cylinder walls, and better separation from exhaust steam. EMCYLDN系列中的460C与680C为复合配方,对于汽缸壁的黏附性更佳,并且更容易与排出的水蒸汽分离。
- The accident didn't do much damage to the cylinder. 在意外事故中,汽缸没有受到重大损坏。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- Cooling Effect on Cylinder Wall of Compressor 风冷压缩机气缸冷却效果的实验研究
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- Cylinder wall surface temperature transducer 汽缸壁表面温度发送器