- In this paper, a computer matching technique for steel grades comparison between different nations (named as DMS) is put forward. 提出了一种多国材料牌号自动匹配技术(DMS)。
- Fracturing is not only the important component of oil test to low-permeable oil (gas) reservoir and gas matching technique in Changqing oilfield. 通过对长庆油田压裂工艺的总结,探讨了油田压裂技术发展方向。
- Improved multi-object genetic algorithm (IMGA) is used to study the matching technique of shock response spectrum (SRS). 摘要采用改进的多目标遗传算法对冲击响应谱的匹配进行研究。
- Based on clean production in oilfield, the technique of clampoff in well pulling, instruments and matching technique were optimized with a significant effect. 立足油田清洁生产,对修井冲砂工艺、工具和配套技术进行优化,应用后效果显著。
- A graphic matching technique based on probabilistic graphical models was used to form a set of algorithms to generate cylindrical panorama of complex scenes. 为解决复杂场景下的全景图生成问题,应用了基于概率图模型的图像匹配技术,提出了一套完整的柱面全景图生成算法。
- Abstract: A graphic matching technique based on probabilistic graphical models was used to form a set of algorithms to generate cylindrical panorama of complex scenes. 文章摘要: 为解决复杂场景下的全景图生成问题,应用了基于概率图模型的图像匹配技术,提出了一套完整的柱面全景图生成算法。
- Check operater quantity whether to match technique norm and technique contract or not. 检查施工质量是否符合技术规范以及技术合同。
- Aimed at insufficiency of traditional template matching technique kinematic analysis software of image sequence of train component crash was developed adopted alterable template matching technique. 针对传统的模板匹配技术的不足,采用变模板匹配技术,开发了列车部件撞击序列图像运动分析软件。
- Two-D liquid velocity field in a tube with a combination of a stenosis and a bifurcation was measured with refractive index matching technique using Laser Doppler Velocimeter(LDV). 采用折射率匹配技术,应用激光多普勒测速仪对突缩和分叉复合管内的液体二维速度场进行了测量。
- With the examples of MPI Caucasian Face and AI &R Asian Face databases, experimental results in subjective evaluation and objective evaluatio n demonstrate the advanced model matching technique. 以MPI和AI &R人像库为测试样本 ,主观与客观评价的实验结果验证了该模型匹配提升技术的有效性。
- Concerning some partial changes in aerial images, we used Monte Carlo method with area-based matching technique and design a semiautomatic operation procedure which can perform on PC. 对于有部分变迁的航摄影像,在本研究中,利用了区域匹配与蒙地卡罗方法,来设计一套半自动求解该航摄影像外方位之作业流程,并可在个人电脑上操作。
- During research of application of compound oil sand consolidating agent with high efficiency,applied experiment of process parameter and improvement of matching technique are conducted. 在高效复合油砂胶结剂现场应用研究中,先后进行了工艺参数应用试验及配套工艺改进与完善,总结出该技术在稠油井防砂中的规律。
- The pedal of a cycle is attached to a crank. 自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。
- Using Shape edge template matching technique to find the feature point and abstract the area of ROI automatically,calculate number of the pixels that the connected areas have to remove noise further. 提出了利用图形边缘模板匹配搜寻特征点自动提取ROI区域,通过计算连通区域包含像素进一步去除噪声的方法。
- And Perl uses sophisticated pattern matching techniques to scan large amounts of data quickly. Perl还采用复杂的结构匹配技术来快速扫描大量的数据。
- With the examples of MPI Caucasian Face and AI&R Asian Face databases, experimental results in subjective evaluation and objective evaluatio n demonstrate the advanced model matching technique. 以MPI和AI&R人像库为测试样本,主观与客观评价的实验结果验证了该模型匹配提升技术的有效性。
- Conventional template matching technique is a successfully used algorithm in Chinese consonant recognition, yet its disadvantage limits its recovery of error,improvement of performance. 模板匹配法技术是汉语声母识别中较为成功的算法,但它的缺陷影响了其恢复错误、改善识别性能。
- It's easier to cycle with the wind behind you. 顺风骑车省力。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- Four matching techniques based on personality, sexuality, interests and star signs will help you find your perfect encounter or maybe even more! 四种建立于性格,兴趣的多样的匹配标准可以帮助您找到最适合您的人选,或者更多。