- cx ante licensing 事前许可
- Compared with ex post licensing. ex ante licensing can improve social welfare under the framework of antitrust law. 与事后许可相比,事前许可能在反拉斯法的框架下导致社会褔利的帕累托改进。
- ex ante licensing 事前许可
- He was a soft-hearted man. He wouldn't hurt an ant. 他是一个软心肠的人,连一个蚂蚁都不愿伤害。
- (ii) ex ante licensing can occur even when it reduces the collective profits of the licenser and the licensee ex post; 即使在降低双方的集体利润的情况下事前的特许经营也可以产生;
- Cx Specifies the new width of the window. 指定了窗口的新宽度。
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- CX, CXL and CXS, when it goes on sale this fall. 今年秋季上市。
- When will your younger sister ante up? 你妹妹什么时候付款呀?
- CX:Yes, by October it was all over. 是的,到了十月份那里就都结束了。
- The Co. has co-operated with VISION , HPW and CX. 公司与澳大利亚VISION公司、美国合宝HPW、韩国CX公司建立了代理关系。
- We hope that we can provide more “CX. 竭诚为新老客户提供“CX.
- CX:Well, I call these sculptural works. 我把这些称之为雕刻作品。
- A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young. 工蚁,工蜂喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂
- CX: Yes, and that is only a part of it. 是的,而这仅仅是其中的一部分。
- CX: We did this in just one month in Barcelona. 我们在巴塞罗那仅仅用了一个月来做这些。
- So they can collect lucrative licensing fees. 这样他们才能收到可观的许可使用费。
- Afterwards I allowed an ant to visit them. 我于是让一只蚂蚁去接近它们。
- Can't retrieve key for Terminal Server Licensing. 无法检索终端服务器授权密钥。
- A lucky visitor to the ant city may see the queen. 幸运的蚁城访问者可能会看到蚁后。