- Can you cut a little more off at the temples? 你可不可以在两鬓处再剪短上点好吗?
- Do you want your hair cut a little off ? 您要不要把头发剪掉一点?
- Can you cut a little more off at the temples ? 你可不可以在两鬓处再剪短上点好吗?
- Could you cut a little more off at the temples? 你可不可以在两鬓处再剪掉一点?
- Could you cut a little more off the temples? 你能在鬓角再剪一点点吗?
- Do you want your hair cut a little off? 您要不要把头发剪掉一点?
- Well, could you cut a little more off the temples? 嗯,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?
- cut a little figure 出丑,露出可怜相,显得很不象样
- My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the other. 我一只手仅仅割破了一点儿,另一只手的抽筋已经好了。
- I set out to notch and build a little figure four deadfall trap. 我要确认刀锋在极端条件下是否依旧可靠。
- Her blow would have cut a lesser warrior in half. 她的攻击应该可以把一个低等战士劈成两半。
- He cut a sorry figure after his long illness. 久病之後,他显得萎靡不振。
- He cut a poor figure after his long illness. 久病之後,他显得萎靡不振。
- These Bares are always cut a little on the generous side. 这些拜伦牌服装总是裁得稍得稍大些。
- These bare are always cut a little on the generous side. 这些拜伦牌服装总是裁得稍得稍大些。
- I wanted to put a little figure in there , so we went to a flower shop , and Mommy and I picked a little pixie kneeling down with his hands folded in prayer . 我想摆在一个小数字;所以;我们到花店而妈妈和我挑一下仙跪在地上;双手折叠在祈祷.
- He cut a casual figure in a job that paid$30,000 a month. 他有一份月薪30,000元的工作,因此显得十分从容。
- He cuts a good figure in his new suit. 他穿著新衣风度翩翩。
- He cuts a fine figure in his new suit. 他穿著新衣风度翩翩。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。