- He has to cut down on the consumption of meat. 他不得不减少吃肉。
- Man has been cutting down forests, diverting rivers and burning wood, coal and oil throughout recorded history. 人类伐倒森林,迫使河流改道,燃烧木材、煤与石油的行为遍布历史记载。
- The council have told us to cut down the trees. 地方议会通知我们砍掉这些树。
- Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. [谚]遮荫之树不可砍。
- He tried to cut down on smoking but failed. 他试图少抽烟,但没成功。
- On no account should we cut down the outturn. 我们绝不可以降低产量。
- She cut down the sapling with one chop. 她一斧子就把树苗砍倒了。
- The information you have got has been cut down to the bone. 你所得到的这个信息是已经经过压缩整理的。
- Half the forest was cut down to make room for the new road. 砍掉了一半森林,以腾出地方来修新路。
- The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance. 飞机设计成流线型以减少风的阻力。
- It's time Harold was cut down to size. He's far too proud and conceited. 该是杀杀哈罗德的威风的时候了,他太骄傲自大了。
- I haven't given up smoking but I'm cutting down. 我没有断烟,但是抽烟少了。
- He cuts down the finest story-teller in our class. 他胜过我们班级里最好的故事员。
- One day the leader heard news that the forest was going to be cut down. 有一天,这个小仙子首领听说这个森林正面临砍伐。
- A man does not like to have his salary cut down. 一个人总是不愿意自己的工资减少的。
- They cut down unnecessary expenditure. 他们削减了不必要的开支。
- The tree began to decay as soon as it was cut down. 树一被砍倒,它就开始腐朽。
- He was cut down in the prime of life. 他壮年夭折。
- My mother cut down father's trousers to fit me. 母亲把我父亲的裤子改小了给我穿。
- She was cut down by cancer in her prime. 她风华正茂时就被癌症夺去了生命。