- Let the point where ab cut cd is called e. 设AB线与CD线的相交点为E。
- Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E. 设AB线与CD线相交点为E。
- The Customs cut his cigarettes open and found heroin in it. 海关人员打开他的香烟在里面发现了海洛因。
- We are looking to source container loads of custom cut architectural panel material for north american use in a furniture accessory product. 本公司求购集装箱建筑木/铁工台,提供给北美的家具配件产品制造商。
- Let the point where ab cut cd be call e 设ab线与CD线的相交点为E
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- Let the point where AB cuts CD be called E 设AB线与CD线的相交点为E
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- He played picnics for young Negro girls, Mississippi riverboats on which the white people had never seen Negroes in tuxedos before, and dives where the customers cut and shot one another. 他为年轻的黑人女性举办野餐,白人之前从未看过黑人身著晚礼服在密西西比河的船上,彼此互砍和射击然后跳水。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海关手续是在码头区办理的。
- I must say I didn't like the cut of his jib. 说实在的,我不喜欢他那个样子。
- I cut myself on the cheek with my razor. 我不小心被刮胡刀割伤了脸颊。
- Have you fille out your custom form? 您填完海关的上应表格了吗?