- Full Custom IC Design Concepts f.Synopsys 全定制芯片设计
- Experience of using Cadence Customer IC tools for successful design tape out is a strong plus. 晋升空间公司为员工提供广阔的发展平台和丰富的学习机会,力求员工与公司共同发展,共享成果。
- IC card initialization encryption, to users, customers IC card issuance systems, the cards will generate its own system dedicated key. IC卡初始化加密后,交给用户使用时,客户通过IC卡发行系统,又将各用户卡生成自己系统的专用密钥。
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海关手续是在码头区办理的。
- Have you fille out your custom form? 您填完海关的上应表格了吗?
- The custom has been known from of old. 这种习俗是古代遗风。
- The foreigner knew the local custom very well. 这位外国人对当地的风俗非常熟悉。
- The custom has descended to our day. 这一习俗一直传到今天。
- The foreigners are unacquainted with our custom. 这些外国人不了解我们的风俗。
- This custom is a relic of ancient times. 这习俗乃是古代遗风。
- Now IC card telephones have come into use. 现在IC卡电话已投入使用。
- He has always flown in the face of custom. 他一向公然违抗习俗。
- That custom prevailed in faraway times. 那种风俗在遥远的过去曾经流行。
- Anachip is a fabless IC company in Yulon Group. 易亨电子是一家专业IC设计公司,为裕隆集团高科技成员之一。
- Put your IC card on the inductor. 请将您的IC卡放在刷卡机上。
- An idiom or custom peculiar to the Greeks. 希腊主义属于希腊人所独有的语言或风俗
- I want to buy a domestic IC card. 我想买一张能打国内长途电话的IC卡。