- cuspis dentis 牙尖, 齿尖
- The researchers produced biological and medical materials, Such as the heart valve, artifical dentis radicis, artifical ossa and absorbent of active carbon ect. 研究工作者由此制造出炭质人造心脏瓣膜、人造牙根、人造骨、活性炭吸附剂等生物和医用材料。
- Author considers that soft relining is a good material for poor condition of alveolus dentis, mucosa and for old fragile man. 作者认为,软性衬垫材料对牙槽(山脊)及粘膜条件较差者和年老体习者是一种适宜的材料。
- Essi, udendo queste cose, fremevan di rabbia ne’ loro cuori e digrignavano i denti contro di lui. 司提反被石头打死众人听了这些话,心中非常恼怒,就向着司提反咬牙切齿。
- The researchers produced biological and medical materials,Such as the heart valve,artifical dentis radicis,artifical ossa and absorbent of active carbon ect. 研究工作者由此制造出炭质人造心脏瓣膜、人造牙根、人造骨、活性炭吸附剂等生物和医用材料。
- Results show that outer enamel of corona dentis has an excellent tribological resistance, and mixed layer between enamel and dentine zone has better abrasive resistance than dentine zone. 结果表明牙冠外层的釉质具有优良的摩擦学特性,牙釉质/牙本质交界面的耐磨性稍逊于外层釉质,但明显高于牙本质。
- cuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae 右房室瓣前尖
- cuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae 左房室瓣前尖
- cuspis medialis valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣隔侧尖
- cuspis posterior valvae atrioventricularis dextrae 右房室瓣后尖
- cuspis septalis valvae atrioventricularis dextrae 右房室瓣隔侧尖
- cuspis anterior valvae atrioventricularis 二尖瓣前尖
- ligament apicis dentis epistrophei 枢椎齿突尖韧带
- substantia intertubularis dentis 牙骨质, 牙(本)质, 牙中间管质
- cuspis anterior valvulae bicuspidalis 二尖瓣前尖,二尖瓣大瓣
- cuspis anterior valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣前尖
- cuspis posterior valvulae bicuspidalis 二尖瓣小瓣
- cuspis posterior valvulae tricuspidalis 三尖瓣后尖
- cuspis posterior valvae atrioventricularis sinistrae 左房室瓣后尖
- Application of Ultrasonic Canalis Radicis Dentis Prep Technique in Canalis Radic is Dentis Treatment 超声波根管预备技术在根管治疗中的应用