- curriculum development model 课程开发模式
- Curriculum development;curriculum enhancements. 课程的发展;课程的改进
- The year 2001 also marked an important milestone in curriculum development. 二零零一年是本港课程发展的重要里程碑。
- The outline of the method is the same in each development model. 该方法的基本步骤在各种开发模型中都相同。
- The school has clear curriculum development objectives and policies. 学校的课程发展配合课程改革的路向。
- Skilbeck, M. (1984), School-based curriculum development, London: Harper &Row. 蔡清田(2005);课程领导与学校本位课程发展;台北:五南.
- Based on the worldview transiting to systems paradigm, this paper aims to reconceptualize integrated curriculum and construct the system-fractal model for integrated curriculum development. 多一条出路就多一个选择,人类可以在不同时机、从不同的选择中决定自己应该怎样地参与课程系统的演化、或可以怎样地让课程系统参与自己的演化。
- The effect of parameter on the Arps decline development model is analysed. 分析了参数对Arps 递减开发模型的影响。
- Wiseman is a leading interactive curriculum developer. 智慧门是著名的互动课程开发机构。
- A syllabus for each core subject is prepared by the Curriculum Development Council (CDC). Syllabuses are regularly reviewed to meet changing educational and community needs. 课程发展议会负责编订各核心科目的课程纲要,并定期检讨,以配合教育和社会方面不断转变的需要。
- The Curriculum Development Council (CDC) advises the Government on matters relating to school curriculum development from kindergarten to the senior secondary level. 课程发展议会就幼稚园至高中课程发展的有关事宜,向政府提供意见。
- The faculty training is very important for the curriculum development and talent training. 师资培训不是最终目的,而是进行课程建设和人才培养的重要前提。
- Historically, the approach to testing the Linux kernel has centered around the open source development model. 过去,Linux内核测试方法围绕开放源代码开发模型进行。
- The article reviews the development of EdM programmes in China through the focus of curriculum development. 本文概述和分析了教育硕士的课程设置及其建设取得的成绩和问题。
- Have you found that the componentized nature of Geronimo lends itself to the open source development model? 您是否觉得Geronimo的组件化特性有助于开源的开发模型?
- Ornstein, A. C. &Hunkins, F. P. (1998a). Curriculum development and design. Boston:Allyn &Bacon. 方德隆译(2004)。课程发展与设计。台北市:高等教育。
- Using the parallel development model allows more flexibility in development than a serial model of development. 和开发的顺序模型相比,使用并行开发模型在开发过程中有更多灵活性。
- The contribution of curriculum development funds in 1997 by LFM is gratefully acknowledged. 感谢1997年LFM提供的全校课程发展基金的贡献。
- SIL will be funding the training and curriculum development and printing of materials. SIL资助在培训、课程设置、教材编制等方面的用度;
- One of the consequences of the Asian development model has been that production outgrew consumption for decades. 亚洲发展模式的后果之一,就是数十年来,生产一直超过消费。