- Curriculum reform is the core of education reform. 摘要课程改革是教育改革的核心。
- R. (1997), Service learning in curriculum reform, Schine, J. 美国中小学服务学习之研究。
- Doubts about the effectiveness of secondary education also show themselves in ideas of curricular reform. 对中等教育有效性的怀疑同时也反映在课程改革的思想上。
- English curriculum reform is the core content of elementary education reform. 摘要课程改革是基础教育改革的核心内容。
- Emergent curriculum is one of the hot topic in preschool curriculum reform. 摘要生成课程是幼儿园课程改革中的热点话题。
- The eighth curriculum reform expedites the change of the assessment system. 第八次基础教育课程改革催生了评价制度的变革。
- Curriculum reform is not a value neutral but a value-loaded activity. 摘要课程改革不是价值中立而是价值负载的活动。
- The curriculum reform is always great research task of the education reform. 课程改革总是人类教育改革的重大研究课题。
- This paper asks why the current school music curricular reform sees an extreme even exorbitant choice. 在当前的音乐课程改革中,为什么会出现非此即彼,甚至导致矫枉过正的选择?
- In the teachers' practice,new curricular reform is reduced in some places,while enhanced in other places. 新课程改革在教师实施环节中,一些地方发生了衰减,而在另一些地方却不断增强。
- A Study of the Contemporary University Curriculum Reforms in U. K. 当代英国大学课程改革研究。
- The experience of the curricular reform of modern China's colleges and universities can be used for reference by the curre... 近代高等学校课程变革的经验对当前我国高校学校课程改革具有一定的借鉴意义。
- Evaluation reform is both an important part of and the import an t institutional guarantee of new curriculum reform. 评价改革是新课程改革的重要组成部分,同时又是新课程改革重要的制度保障。
- The reform of academic assessment is very important in the system of college curriculum reform. 摘要学业评价的改革是整个高师课改系统中十分重要的环节。
- Teachers' accommodation to the curriculum reform is the key to success of reform. 教师能否适应新课程改革并主动参与实施新课程是改革能否成功的关键。
- Integrated practice activity curriculum is considered to be a light in the curriculum reform. “综合实践活动”课程被认为是我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的一大亮点。
- The curriculum reform unceasingly deepens in reality, the curriculum reform has brought about the inspiring change. 摘要课程改革在实践中不断深化,课程改革带来了令人鼓舞的变化。
- During the curriculum reform, the History class needs to reflect the methods of new educational ideas. 摘要课程改革中的历史课教学,需要体现新的教育理念的教学方法。
- Integrated Curriculum of Practical Activity (ICPA) is a breakthrough of Chinese basic education in curriculum reform. 综合实践活动是我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的结构性突破。
- Chapter four analyses the main elements influencing Nigeria"s curriculum reform of VTE. 第四章重点分析影响尼日利亚课程改革的因素。