- To improve the actuality of present value of future profit method on technical asset assessment, the thesis analyzes the method and modifies it with current replacement cost. 本文融合技术型资产重置成本评估法,对现有的收益现值法进行修正,使其更为符合现实情况。
- However, on the other hand, the use of LIFO during a period of inflation is apt to produce a balance sheet figure for inventory that is far below the current replacement cost of the goods on hand. 然而,另一方面,在通货膨胀时期使用后进先出法易于导致资产负债表上的存货金额远远低于库存商品的现时重置成本。
- current replacement cost [经] 现行重置成本
- Prepares the replacement fallback buffer to use the current replacement string. 准备好替换回退缓冲区,以使用当前替换字符串。
- For example, you can easily calculate the replacement cost of damaged hardware. 例如,可以容易地计算出替换损坏硬件的成本。
- The motor warranty shall provide for the replacement of any part of the motor (excluding mechanical seals) found to be defective in accordance with the following schedule: 19 to 31 Months Payment of 75% of the Current Replacement Parts Cost. 电机保证应该根据下列时间表对任何发现有缺陷的电机(机械式密封除外)提供更换:在19至31个月期间,按照现行配件成本的75%25置换配件。
- The ultraviolet lamp is guaranteed for 1 year with a prorated replacement cost. 另外,紫外灯保用一年,替换费用按比例计算。
- The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical. 回收氢氧化纳的主要目的是在经济方面,因为它大大补偿了化学药剂消耗费用。
- Replacement cost is the cost to build a replacement building which is functionally equivalent to the subject property. 重置成本是成本,以建立一个替代的建设是在功能上等同于主题的财产。
- An insurance valuation would typically focus on replacement cost instead of reproduction cost. 保险估价通常集中在重置成本而不是再生产的费用。
- De Groot was carried off to a mental hospital, declared insane and later fined for the replacement cost of one ribbon. 德?葛洛特被送往精神病医院,被宣布患有精神病,后又被罚赔偿更换彩带的费用。
- Wear points of the die sections must be inserted for economical maintenance, replacement cost, and adjustability for stock variance. 所有模具入子耐磨的地方必须使用镶嵌以方便经济的维修,置换以及根据料厚的变化调整能力。
- Value for real property based on replacement cost adjusted for locality coefficient. Neither tax is market value based. 房地产价值基于替代成本,并根据区位参数调整。两者都不是基于市场价值。
- Accurate replacement cost data can ensure the insurer, lender and owner are adequately protected in event of a casualty. 准确的重置成本的数据可以确保保险,贷款者和拥有者得到充分的保护在事件的伤亡。
- The replacement cost estimation was researched.The methods of parent ships, subentry estimation and particular estimation were brought out. 对渔船重置成本估算进行了研究,提出了船换算法、分项估算法和重置核算法;
- The airline is currently replacing its DC10s with Boeing 747s. 这家航空公司正以波音747 飞机更换原来的DCl0 型飞机。
- The airline is currently replacing its DC10s with Boeing747s. 这家航空公司目前正在用波音747取代DC10。
- Numerical results showed that the model can overcome the defectiveness of market comparison approach, income present value approach and replacement cost approach. 算例表明,该定价模型避免了市场比较法、收益现值法和重置成本法在价值评估中的缺陷。
- In case of losses, damages or fail to return locker key or lockers before 10:30pm on the same day, the Club will charge HK$100 for lock replacement cost. 凡遗失,损坏或未能于即日晚上10时30分前交还储物柜或锁匙,本会将收取港币100元作换锁费用。