- current range reservation 当前范围预留
- Creates a chart of the data in the current range. 创建当前范围内数据的图表。
- The identity value at the end of the current range. 当前范围的结束标识值。
- The identity value at the start of the current range. 当前范围的开始标识值。
- Similarly, some forest ecosystem models have suggested that rapid and extensive diebacks of certain trees could occur over much of their current range. 与此类似,一些森林生态模型已经显示,一些树木的迅速广泛的消失可能会超出目前的范围。
- With the Citroen DS Inside concept car Citroen is launching a new line of products to broaden its current range. 随着雪铁龙副雪铁龙概念车内推出新的产品线,扩大其目前的范围。
- Similarly,some forest ecosystem models have suggested that rapid and extensive diebacks of certain trees could occur over much of their current range. 与此类似,一些森林生态模型已经显示,一些树木的迅速广泛的消失可能会超出目前的范围。
- Provides an example showing how to define a Range object and extend its current range by using its MoveStart and MoveEnd methods. 提供一个示例,用于演示如何使用Range对象的MoveStart和MoveEnd方法来定义Range对象并扩展其当前范围。
- VHL serial current transformer is one of the new generation micro-precision current transformer which is designed for the wide current range watt-hour meters. VHL系列互感器是为宽量程电子式电能表设计的新一代微型精密电流互感器。
- I have found no credible energy expert who expects Chinese production to rise meaningfully above the current range anytime in the foreseeable future. 我还没有发现有哪位可信的能源专家预测中国的产量会在不久的将来大幅超越目前的水平。
- The pumpkinseed is considered an invasive species throughout much of its current range, which includes parts of Europe in addition to Florida. 这种翻车鱼被认为是入侵物种且遍布它现在的分布区,包括部分欧洲和佛罗里达州。
- GM's current range, with the exception of glamorous, if questionable, sports cars like the latest Chevrolet Corvette ZR1, make glum viewing. 通用的现行的系列,除迷人之外,如果有疑问,跑车像最新的雪佛兰轻巡洋舰ZR1,前景不明朗。
- Based on repetition and stability experiment,electric eddy current range finder is choisen for on line roll profile measuremeut. 在对电涡流测距传感器进行的重复性和稳定性实验基础上,将电涡流测距传感器作为辊型在线测量装置用传感器。
- The use of ZED standard housetypes has already been described in section 2. Data sheets and layouts for the current range of housetypes are given on pages 30-31 and 44-51. 对于ZED标准的房屋类型已经在第二章详细介绍了。目前已有房屋类型的数据表和相关图纸在30-31页和44-51页给出。
- At the front, Mini's now hallmark bonnet will likely appear with a split grille, however, the speedster will be much sportier than the current range of Mini models. 在前面,迷你现在标志的帽子可能会出现分裂格栅,但是,speedster运动将大大超过目前的一系列迷你车型。
- The device has several advantages such as adjustable wide current range,controllable wide voltage range,circuit interface compatible with TTL,small volume and easy modulation. 该器件不仅输出电流可调范围宽、允许工作电压变化范围大、电路接口与TTL兼容,而且体积小、调节方便。
- Featuring details about their current range of buggy tires, the site features news and information about the brand, with further details expected to be added in the near future. 具有详细了解他们目前的各种小车轮胎,该网站的特点的新闻和信息的品牌,与进一步的细节,预计可补充说:在不久的将来。
- The increase of current density and pulse frequency can be helpful to refine and improve the solidification microstructure of the pure aluminum at a given pulse current range. 在一定的脉冲电流参数范围内,电流密度增大和脉冲频率升高都有利于金属凝固组织的细化和改善。
- Network interface cards currently range from $500 to $2,000,and an FDDI hub can cost anywhere from $450 to $2,000 per port. 目前网卡的价格为500-2000美元,FDDI集线器每个端口可能高达450-2000美元。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。