- Failed to allow the schema to be modified on the current operations master. 允许架构在当前的操作主机上做修改失败。
- The user aborted the current operation. 用户放弃当前操作。
- The difficulty the U.S. military has in investing in new technologies and new thinking is that they're so involved in current operations. 美国军队在新技术和新思维的投资方面所面临的困难,是他们对当前的作战卷入过多。
- The transfer of the current operations master role cannot be performed for the following reason: %s. 无法转移当前操作主机角色,原因如下
- It does see the effect of PUT, UPDATE WHERE CURRENT, DELETE WHERE CURRENT operations on the same cursor. 它看不到同一游标上PUT、UPDATE WHERE CURRENT、DELETE WHERE CURRENT操作的效果。
- A modification of existing open- end techniques has been introduced that combines mechanical and air current operations. 通过将机械作用与气流作用结合,对自己端纺纱做了改进。
- TVH currently operates three core IT operations. 宏昌科技目前经营三大核心资讯科技分支。
- Both H-bridges can be paralleled for higher current operation. 两个半桥能并行进行更高电流操作。
- This class cannot be used on the current operating system. 此类不能在当前操作系统上使用。
- TANs are issued by states or local governmental units to finance current operations in anticipation of future tax receipts. 美国州及地方政府为融通当前支出,所发行的短期债券。
- Managers must learn to have a keen sense of growth opportunities and set up feelers for changes that can hinder or harm current operations. 经理人必须学会对发展机会保持敏锐嗅觉,并且能够感知妨碍和损害当前运营的变化。
- Do you currently operate a school or preschool? 您目前是否在经营一所学校或学前教育机构?
- To determine the present money value of future income, whether estimated or fixed.To classify a cost as a long-term investment, rather than charging it to current operations. 确定未来收入的目前现金值,无论是估计值还是固定值。资本支出不归入费用而归入长期投资。
- Determines whether the current operation's operation flow is supported. 确定当前操作的操作流是否受支持。
- Default value is the default built-in account for the current operating system. 默认值是当前操作系统的默认内置帐户。
- Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation. 应用程序使用了当前操作中一个类型错误的值。
- The IDB-2 type residual current operated protection tester was introduced. 介绍了IDB-2型剩余电流动作保护测试仪。
- AirLand Battle is the Army's current operational concept for I combat. "空地一体"战是美陆军现行作战思想。
- Are You Currently Operating Your Computers in a Workgroup? 您当前是否正在工作组中操作计算机?