- Honor is greatly misunderstood in the current human paradigm. 尊重在当前人类范式中被巨大误解。
- Unity awareness is not easily understood in the current human paradigm. 在人类当前范式之中,统一觉知很难被理解。
- In the current human thought-form, one is always comparing oneself to others. 在当前的人类思想形态中,你一直把自己与其他人做比较。
- And so ascension makes possible the seeming impossible in the current human paradigm. 因此在当前人类范例中,提升使看似不可能的成为可能。
- If you think about current human thought form, it is based on polarity or opposites. 如果你思考当前人类的思想形态,(就可以发现)它是被建立在极性和对立上的。
- The destruction in the current human dance is primarily related to disease, illness, deformity, accidents and death. 在当前人类之舞中的毁灭根本上与疾病、病患、残疾、意外事故和死亡有关。
- Creepy Crawler People also may discover that they are most at home out in nature and not in current human dwellings. 昆虫人也会发现,他们在大自然中最自由自在,而不是在当前人类的住房之中。
- Many in current human form incarnate this lifetime with dolphin-whale or nature souls. 在当前人类中,有很多人在此生是携带海豚鲸鱼或大自然的灵魂而投生的。
- The seduction of power can be seen in most leadership capacities in the current human dance. 在人类当前之舞中,力量的诱惑可在大多数领导层中可见。
- First and foremost there will be a cleansing of current human leadership to those with legitimate karma to lead. 首先,将有一个对于那些有合法业力可导致的当前人类领导的净化。
- This has caused ultimately the current human strife and problems that have lead to war and the annihilation of earth. 这已最终引起了导致战争与地球灭绝的当前人类的冲突和问题。
- The current human dream of highly dense populations living in small regions is a Pleiadian dream. 当前如此高密度的人口居住在一小块区域内是昂宿星人的梦想。
- Polarity as it is in the current human dance often causes one to manifest one dream, and not another. 当极性在当前人类之舞中时,通常导致你显化一个梦想,而不能显化其他的。
- Perhaps given the current human drama and trauma, it may be the only place that one finds peace. 也许这就是在当前的人类戏剧与创伤的情况下,你能找到安宁的唯一地方。
- Perhaps this is what the current human dance teaches us as the Great Central Sun. 也许这就是目前的人类之舞教导给作为大中枢太阳的我们的。
- Therefore one can no longer live in the illusion of harmlessness that pervades the current human relations. 因此,你不再生活在盛行在当前人类关系中的无害假相中。
- Wholeness precludes the shattering and bitterness associated with the current human scripts. 整体免除了与当前人类剧本有关的粉碎和痛苦。
- So much of the current human dance is predicated upon dishonor and judgment that honor has been long lost. 如此多的当前人类舞蹈意味着无尊重和审判,尊重被丢失了很久。
- The current human dilemma with ascension is that such a large portion of the molecular structure has ceased to vibrate. 目前人类提升所面临的困境就是,分子结构的这么多部分都已终止振动了。
- One must understand their creation, and any current human experience is the effect of all other human cause in your inheritance. 你必须理解你的创造物,而任一当前人类体验都是你们遗传中所有其他人类导致的结果。