- current drawing standards 现行标准
- Allows user to draw rectangles - outlined or filled with current drawing color. 让用户可以提请矩形-概述或填充当前绘图颜色。
- Drawing standard for process design of non-ferrous metals concentrator. 给排水制图规范。
- When analyzing samples under the same conditions, draw standard curve. 在作样品分析相同的条件下,绘制标准曲线。
- When the actuator is over torqued or in a stall condition, the current draw increases and the current sensor detects the increase. 当执行器扭矩过载或处于失速状况时,则电流将增加,并被电流传感器检测到。
- This paper presents the suggests and instancy of drawing standard, aimed at present experimental method in study of soil/geotextile interaction. 针对目前土与土工织物相互作用机理研究中所涉及的试验方法现状,提出有关试验条件的标准制定的建议。
- Automatic shutdown when no current drawn at output (10 second delay). 当输出无电流后自动关闭(延时10秒)
- Familiar with international drawing standards and dimensioning of technical drawings. 熟悉国际制图标准和计量技术制图。
- Sets the current drawing mode. 设置当前的绘图模式。
- Starting Current The initial value of current drawn by a motor when it is started from standstill. 启动电流当发动机从停止状态启动时带来的初始电流值就是启动电流。
- Under AutoCAD environment, regarding ADS developing programming language based on C language and frame language for dialogue(DCL) as the exploiting way, author made research in the primary stage as to how to fulfill the drawing standard. 本文在AutoCAD环境下,以基于C语言的ADS编程语言及对话框语言(DCL)为开发工具,就机械CAD软件中如何实现图纸标准化问题作了初步的探讨。
- This paper anaiysed the difference of Arablc numerals between the new and old script standard,and pointed out the importance for unified using Arabic numerals in new technical drawing standard. 对新、旧字体标准中阿拉伯数字的差别作了分析,并就目前新制图标准中应用阿拉伯数字不统一的问题作了研究,指出了在新制图标准中统一使用阿拉伯数字的重要性。
- A SVC controls the voltage by varying the reactive current drawn by the combination of capacitors and reactors. svc通过改变组合电容器和电抗器所吸取的无功电流来控制电压。
- Starting Current|---|The initial value of current drawn by a motor when it is started from standstill. 启动电流 |---|当发动机从停止状态启动时带来的初始电流值就是启动电流。
- Methods A model of animal experiment,a kit for sexdeter mining region Y (SRY) and a set of standard sample were developed for drawing standard curve by real time fluorescence quantitative PCR. 方法结合动物实验模型,设计性别决定因子Y(SRY)实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测血细胞嵌合率的方法,建立质控标准品,使用实时荧光定量PCR技术,获得标准曲线。
- Method: To adopt the ultraviolet spectrophotometry, the absorbability was used as the Y-axis and the concentration as the X-axis by drawing standard curve for determination of the content of peimine. 方法:采用紫外分光光度法,以吸收度为纵坐标,浓度为横坐标,绘制标准曲线测定贝母素甲含量。
- We are currently drawing up landscaping plans for the entire area of Tokyo and will introduce new landscaping policies from the new fiscal year. 现在,东京全体景观计划正在策划之中,明年起将推行新的景观政策。
- Long-term complications of continuous immunosuppression still remain a serious threat and are currently drawing the attention of transplant physicians. 持续的免疫抑制导致的远期并发症,对移植受者仍是严重威胁,并且正引起移植医师的关注。--神农草
- To Modify the Current Drawing Setup File 编辑当前配置文件
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。