- Give me a current issue of Reader's Digest. 给我一本最近一期的读者文摘。
- The current issue of the periodical is not available now. 这本杂志的现期刊现在没货。
- He has just bought the current issue of the newspaper. 他刚买了最新一期的报纸。
- Cash input [agricultural projects] An input into a project used to produce an output in the form of cash. 现金投入[农业项目]对一个项目的投入,目的在产生现金形式的产出。
- The magazine subscription expires with the current issue. 本期杂志是订阅的最后一期。
- Is generated automatically, including translations for the current issue. 包括翻译过的新闻。
- The study is published in the current issue of the journal Hypertension. 该研究发表在本期的《高血压》上。
- We can tell them about current issues as well as historical events. 可以讲现在的问题,也可以讲历史。
- Union negotiators go through a ritual of complaints before settling down to discuss the current issue. 工会谈判人员照例在进入正题之前先发一通牢骚,如此等等。
- There is a current issue that has not been solved smoothly, I hope it will be resolved satisfactorily. 这是眼前的一个问题,并不时已经顺利解决了,希望解决得好。
- The current issue of the Government Gazette is loaded by clicking the title at the centre of the homepage. 最新一期的政府宪报可从主页鼠击中央标题下载。
- Donoghue and his team report on their research in the current issue of the journal Nature. 多纳和他的团队在最近一期的自然杂志上发表了他们的研究成果。
- It is good for us to consider the history when we ponder current issues. 知道这一点对我们今天考虑问题有好处。
- He died with a book newly released, an essay in the current issue of a popular journal, a story to appear shortly in a well-known magazine. 死的时候他的一本书刚出版,一篇评论在一本发行量很大的杂志上发表了,一篇小说也很快在一本著名的杂志上刊出。
- Also, a group of overseas students were deeply touched after seeing YoYo and their feelings and thoughts were covered in the current issue of Sameway. 今期,我们有专文刊登一群青年留学生,从与悠悠相交,发出他们对生命的反省及回应。
- The review included a gap analysis of current issues and future demands. 评审包括当前问题和未来需求之间的差距分析。
- That is why the results of three German expeditions by the vessel Polarstern to the Weddell Sea, published in the current issue of Nature, are a big step forward. 德国人曾三次乘极地号到威德尔海进行考察,他们的考察结果刊登在这期的《自然》杂志上,因为深海取样很难,所以他们的发现被认为是领域研究中的一个大进步。
- "We call it the 'Santa Claus effect,'" says Martin Levin, lead author of the study, which is published in the current issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family. 领导这一研究的马
- "cash input [accounting]:The cash component of an investment, as compared to the capital, labor, etc. component" 现金投入 [会计]:指一项投资的现金部分,相对于资本、劳务等其他组成部分而言。
- NEJM Online contains both the current issue and an online archive that can be accessed through browsing, advanced searching, or collections by disease or topic. 该杂志网络版包括了近期杂志内容,可以通过浏览、高级检索或是疾病、主题进行访问。