- Comfortable work creates commercial profit by unconspicuous way. 舒适的工作则以不太明显的方式创造商业利润。
- Files intending to harass or spam, or promote anything for commercial profit. 任何骚扰性质的、垃圾的及商业盈利目的的文件。
- And the last point, with the current commercial bribery case in reality. 而最后一种观点,则符合当前商业贿赂犯罪的实际情况。
- This shows that Chinese users imported this batch of equipment purely for commercial profit. 这说明,中国用户进口这批设备的目的,纯粹是为了商业利润。
- Of course, the development of any market needs to form a healthy industrial catenary and commercial profit pattern. 当然,任何一个市场的发展都需要形成一个健康的产业链和商业盈利模式。
- The National Biodiversity Authority may assess the gains from the commercial profit potential of the New Plant Variety. 国家生物多样性管理局可从该植物新品种的潜在商业利益评估其所得利润。
- The Briton admitted that his current commercial arrangement with McLaren and Mercedes is for engines only. 英国人承认,他目前的商业安排,迈凯轮和梅塞德斯的引擎是唯一.
- Site prohibits the use of resources involved in any commercial profit purposes, or for all the consequences arising from your own! 禁止利用本站资源涉及任何商业盈利目的,否则产生的一切后果将由您自己承担!
- In the current commercial bribery, non-material interests and the material interests of the bribery of the same, have great social harm. 在当前的商业贿赂中,非物质性利益与物质性利益在贿赂中的作用是一样的,都具有巨大的社会危害性。
- Buddhism article, the picture and so on, besides specially states, welcome to use, but the commercial profit is an exception. 本站母站及其子站或附属站内的佛教文章、图片等,除特别声明外,欢迎拷贝与转载,惟商业盈利者除外。南摩阿弥陀佛。
- Huning cities along major commercial real estate projects Ruhu as the current commercial real estate, a major bright spot. 沪宁沿线城市商业地产项目大举入沪,成为本届商业房地产上的一大亮点。
- Apparent, lack completely in their brain " structural adjustment " with finance income and commercial profit link up with this bowstring. 很明显,他们的脑子里完全缺乏把“结构调整”与财政收益和商业利润挂钩这根弦。
- Huning cities along major commercial real estate projects Ruhu, become the one bright spot in the current commercial real estate. 沪宁沿线城市商业地产项目大举入沪,成为本届商业房地产上的一个亮点。
- This system adopts the hierarchical distributed architecture like DNS, which is different from any current commercial search engine. 此系统采用了与现有商业化搜索系统完全不同的分层的分布式结构。
- Octacosanol can be separated from plant and animal wax sources,rice bran wax and sugar cane wax are the main sources for current commercial production of octacosanol. 二十八烷醇主要来源于动物蜡和植物蜡,米糠蜡和蔗蜡是其最大来源。
- Methods of cleaning employed on current commercial screens include shaking and vibration, pulsing the flow through the openings with various moving foils, paddles and pumps. 当前常用的清理筛孔的方法有摇摆、振动、及浆料在不同运动桨叶、叶轮和泵的脉动作用下通过筛板开孔。
- Xinhuanet Beijing May 25 Jun CBRC Chairman Liu recently stressed that the current commercial banks in order to effectively control the growth of real estate lending. 新华网北京5月25日电银监会主席刘明康日前强调,当前各商业银行要有效管控房地产放贷增长。
- SOH O China Pandange believe that Beijing is currently commercial pop history. SOH O中国的潘石屹认为,北京目前商住楼流行是有历史渊源的。
- The organizers should be better to make a point of the quality of programs instead of commercial profit, preventing the audience from being fed up with the exceeding advertisements. 组织者最好重视节目的质量而不是商业利益,避免观众因过多的插播广告而厌烦。
- The person that return some tort enlarges work authorization limits at will, the borderline of sexual behavior of intended and promiscuous commonweal and commercial profit behavior. 还有的侵权者随意扩大作品授权范围,故意混淆公益性行为和商业盈利行为的界线。