- Although she was poor, she was living in genteel poverty. 尽管她贫穷,但她总想装出上流社会阶层的样子。
- His behavior was suggestive of a cultured man. 他的举止暗示他是一个有教养的人。
- She lived a genteel, careful, frugal life. 她过著高尚的、谨慎而节俭的生活。
- Her genteel accent irritated me. 她那矫揉造作的腔调使我感到难受。
- You are genteel enough, you look like a lady. 你是够文雅的,看上去象个大家闺秀。
- She spent most of her declining years in genteel poverty. 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。
- The pigeon is a beautiful and genteel bird. 鸽子是一种美丽而温柔的鸟。
- "But they say traveling makes people genteel, Luke. “可是人家说,旅行使人变得温文尔雅,卢克。
- People you know or have just met often remark on your genteel ways. 认识你的人或刚刚认识你的人,都常常称赞你彬彬有礼的态度。
- Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished. 高尚的,有教养的品味和举止优雅的; 有文化的; 有修养的
- I'd stint myself to keep you both in a genteel and seemly style. 我会节衣缩食来让你们俩过一种上流社会的体面生活。
- We have natural pearls and cultured pearls. 我们有天然的和人工养殖的。
- His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man. 他的举止显示出他是个有教养的人。
- Natural pearls or cultured pearls. 要真珠还是养珠的。
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa was cultured from sputum. 痰液培养出铜绿假单胞菌。
- JAPANESE traffic cops were until recently a genteel bunch. 不久之前日本的交通警察还是温文尔雅的一群人。
- There are not as many genteel young men in Devonshire as Sussex. 与苏塞克斯相比,德文郡有教养的年轻人不多。
- She spentmost of her declining years in genteel poverty. 她晚年的大部分时间是在家境贫寒却又虚摆排场的情况下度过的。
- The “Genteel Lu” brocade is kind of proper folk textile in Qufu. 在“古典路”博科是一种适当的民间纺织曲阜。
- Most cultured pearls are produced in Japan. 日本是大部分人工养珠的主要产地。