- culture by rice hull 稻糠培育
- Y.Y.Chang, C.I.Lin, H.K.Chen, “Effect of Acid Activation on Sesame Oil Bleaching by Rice Hull Ash”, J.Chem.Eng.Jpn., Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 1-6 (2001). 李岳阳,”碳酸钾负载于活性碳与矽酸钙吸收二氧化碳之研究”,国立台湾大学化学工程研究所硕士论文,(2002)。
- The possibility of proper manufacturing proces of activated carbon by chemical method from rice hull were investigated. 本文研究了废弃谷壳用化学法生产活性炭的可行性,探索最佳工艺条件。
- Drying curve and carbonizing temperature of rice hull powder treated by suitable agents and processes are measured in order to investigate factors influencing its thermostability. 选择适当的处理剂和处理方法对稻壳粉进行处理,通过测定其干燥特性曲线和炭化点,比较了不同处理方法对稻壳粉热稳定性的影响。
- Fig.6: Garlic roots infected by rice root-knot nematodes. 图六、感染水稻根瘤线虫之大蒜根系。
- The study of a society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse. 废弃物社会学通过观察和分析废弃物对一个社会及文化进行的研究。
- The PF is superantigen and it is secreted into liquid culture by E. coli. 渗透因子是一种超抗原,存在于液体培养菌液中。
- A control system adopted by rice circulating dryer was developed and tested. 摘要此研究目的在于开发与试验水稻循环式干燥机所使用之控制系统。
- I understood about the Australian aboriginal culture by an aborigine explained. 因现场有位原住民解说使我得以了解澳洲原住民的文化。
- Different methods for determination of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and ligin in rice hull were introduced. 阐述了几种不同的测定稻壳中纤维素、半纤维素和木质素含量的方法。
- Therefore, how to exploit rice hull sufficiently and increase in value is a considerable problem. 因此,如何充分地利用稻壳,使其增值,则是一相当大的问题。
- The cells were cultured by explant culture and enzymatic digestion. 组织化学染色和异种移植。
- Soy oil was bleached with different rice hull ashes and clays.UV-vis absorbance spectra of bleachedoils were presented. 探索了用不同的稻米壳灰和膨润土给大豆油脱色的方法,提出了脱色油的紫外-可见吸收光谱。
- Rice hull is an important biomass energy. Biomass is the only energy which can be both renewable and stored and transported. 稻壳是一种重要的生物质能源。生物质是唯一的一种既可再生又可贮存与输的能源。
- It is also indicated that pretreatment of rice hull powder under acid condition is helpful to improve its thermostability. 酸性条件下预处理稻壳粉有利于提高其热稳定性。
- Establish leading team. Materialize the school management and develop quality culture by holding power and ability. 建立领导团队,增权赋能,落实学校本位经营,发展学校优质文化。
- Rice hull contains four constituents primarily: namely 20% of hemicellulose, 38% of cellulose, 19% of lignin and 18% of rice hull silicon. 稻壳主要含有四种组分,即半纤维素20%25、纤维素38%25、木质素19%25、稻壳硅18%25。
- Your application specifies the invariant culture by name using an empty string (") or by its language identifier. 应用程序可通过语言标识符或使用空字符串(")的名称来指定固定区域性。
- He tested the sumac cement, and says less could be used because the rice hull ash makes it a stronger building material. 他表示水泥的用量将变少,因为谷糠灰使它成为一种更坚硬的建筑材料。
- Study on the feasibility of estimating potassium content by rice spectral analysis. 利用水稻光谱分析估测钾素含量的研究初报