- Swindling off-worlder entrepreneurs have taken advantage of this cultural trait, and infested Sriluur with countless useless baubles said to divine the intentions of the dieties. 一些外地奸商利用这些威奎人的文化特点,向斯里卢尔倾销不计其数华而不实的装饰品,并传言这些物品能占卜那些亡灵的意愿。
- Abstract:The perceived pay-offs of a given cultural trait may be clouded by political rhetoric and by social pressures that discourage honest expression. 某一文化特性的可预见的后果,可能会因抑制诚实言论的政治言辞和社会压力而变得暗淡。
- Americans like answers in black and white, a cultural trait we confirmed last year when the biracial man running for President was routinely called "black". 美国人喜欢在黑色与白色之间寻找答案,这作为一种文化特质,我们认为,当去年那个混血儿男子参加总统竞选的时候就被习惯性地称为“黑色”。
- Understanding the different ways that culture traits can be transmitted between individuals has been an important part of DIT research since the 1970s. 自20世纪70年代以来,了解文化特征可以在个体间以不同的方式传播是双继承理论研究的一个重要组成部分。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The guardianship system of ancient China is composed of five legal culture traits,including filial duty,benevolent obligation,male supremacy over female,commiserating aged and young,family relations. 中国古代监护制度是由“孝”、“慈”、“男尊女卑”、“矜老怜幼”和“天伦之乐”等五个法文化特质构成的。
- As a component of Japanese culture, the Japanese language embodies the cultural traits and psychological features of the Japanese nation. 日语作为日本文化的一个组成部分,包含着日本民族的文化特点和民族的心理特征。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Another trait of Eastern culture is humility in learning. 东方文化传统另一个特点是强调做学问的谦虚态度。
- The Longji Zhuang ethnic terrace culture typically shows eight cultural traits mentioned above, and it is a typical representative of the Terrace Culture Cycle around the Pacific. 龙脊梯田文化典型地具备上述八大方面的特征,是环太平洋梯田文化圈的典型代表。
- Therefore,euphemisms for "death" both in Chinese and English reflect the uniqueness of each national culture in that euphemisticexpressions bear distinctive cultural traits. 因而,汉语和英语中关于"死"的各种委婉含蓄的语言表达,也自然能反映出各自民族文化的独特性,因为各种不同的措辞方式本身携有显明的各自文化特征。
- Define the problem in terms of host-country cultural traits; make no value judgments. 根据主人国家文化给问题或目标下定义,做出非利益性的判决。
- Define the problem or goal in terms of home country cultural traits, habits, and norms. 针对母国文化,习俗和规范提出存在的问题和目标。
- Define the problem or goal in terms of the host country cultural traits, habits, and norms. Make no value judgments. 针对东道国文化,习俗和规范提出存在的问题和目标,不要带有价值评判。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- The reestablishment or perpetuation of native cultural traits,especially in opposition to acculturation. 排外主义重建本地文化特性并使其永垂不朽,尤其反对文化侵略。
- The reestablishment or perpetuation of native cultural traits, especially in opposition to acculturation. 排外主义重建本地文化特性并使其永垂不朽,尤其反对文化侵略
- Conformist biases make it difficult for novel cultural traits to spread through a population. 从众偏好使新奇的文化特性难以在整个群体中传播。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。