- The fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities are being preserved. 少数民族的优秀传统文化受到保护。
- The Chinese government has always respected and valued the traditional culture of ethnic minorities. It has allocated large sums of money for the protection and maintenance of historical relics and sites of ethnic minorities. 中国政府历来尊重和重视维护少数民族的传统文化,投入了大量资金保护和维修少数民族的文物古迹。
- China respects and preserves the traditional cultures of ethnic minorities,and all of the minority peoples are free to maintain and develop their own cultures. 在中国,少数民族传统文化受到尊重和保护,各民族都可以自由地保持和发展本民族的文化。
- China respects and preserves the traditional cultures of ethnic minorities, and all of the minority peoples are free to maintain and develop their own cultures. 在中国,少数民族传统文化受到尊重和保护,各民族都可以自由地保持和发展本民族的文化。
- traditional culture of ethnic minorities 少数民族传统文化
- traditional sport culture of ethnic minorities 少数民族传统竞技文化
- The life of ethnic minorities has improved greatly. 少数民族人民生活明显改善。
- On the Protection of Cultures of Ethnic Minority's Trappings in China 试论我国少数民族服饰文化的资源保护
- The Chinese government sets store by protecting and developing the traditional cultures of ethnic minorities,and respects their folkways and customs in such aspects as diet,marriage,funeral,festival celebration and religious belief. 中国重视保护和发展少数民族的传统文化,尊重少数民族的饮食、婚姻、丧葬、年节等风俗习惯和宗教信仰。
- As one valuable resource, the intergrowth between ethnic minority culture and environment is to let it seek new growth engines of ethnic minority become possible. 少数民族文化是一种宝贵的资源,它与环境的共生让寻求少数民族新的经济增长点成为可能。
- culture of ethnic minority 民族文化
- The novel creators of ethnic minority excavate national history and culture remains thoroughly by writing with wealthy in compassion, and take into consideration in present day. 摘要新时期少数民族长篇小说创作者用饱蘸民族情感的笔触,深入挖掘民族历史文化遗存,并予以当代观照。
- Owing to its natural beauty and unique culture of Gaoshan ethnic minority people, Sun Moon Lake is reputed as The Wonderland in Taiwan. 日月潭以其天生的绝色和独特的高山族文化,被称为“台湾仙境”。
- These policies and measures have greatly promoted the economic development of ethnic minority areas (see Table 3). 这些政策和措施有力地促进了少数民族地区的经济发展(见表三)。
- preservation and development of the cultures of ethnic minorities 保护和发展少数民族文化
- Also,the state has provided active support for the development and application of ethnic minority traditional medicine. 国家积极扶持对少数民族医药的开发和应用。
- A brief review of Saman religion and festive culture of ethnic minorities in the West 萨满教与北方少数民族节日文化述略
- The ranks of ethnic minority writers are continuously growing. A large number of such writers have come to the fore and created a great number of literary works. 少数民族作家队伍不断壮大,一大批少数民族作家茁壮成长,创作了大量文学作品。
- In recent years following the quickening in modernization drive of ethnic minority as Hui of Qinghai. 过去,他们在生产方式、生活习俗等方面都与蒙古族相同,却又信仰伊斯兰教。
- The Changes of the Fiery Culture in Oroqen Ethnic Minority Group. 鄂伦春火文化变迁。