- culture isolated island 文化孤岛
- The ship was grounded on an isolated island. 船在一个与世隔绝的小岛上搁浅了。
- Ryoko, the heroine, is an innocent girl raised on the isolated island of Okinawa. 住在冲绳小岛上的女主角恭子是一个天真无邪的女孩。
- Shua Zhou island is a small isolated island in Hui Zhou suburb where is near Shen Zhen. It's a very nice place. 刷洲岛是位于与深圳交界的惠州境内的一个荒岛,那是个挺不错的地方。
- Some of my acclaimed work was written at an isolated island hotel off the coast of China. 我有几本受赞赏的小说在中国海岸边一个孤岛上的酒店里创作出来的。
- The deployment of these systems, make enterprise run into the bemusement of "Information Isolated Island". 这些系统的部署,使企业陷入了“信息孤岛”的困惑。
- He was afraid that he would encounter some savages if he stayed on that isolated island. 他担心呆在孤岛上会碰上野蛮人。
- Explanation: Nearly 50 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major, NGC 4013 was long considered an isolated island universe. 说明: 位于大熊座,距离地球五千万光年远的 NGC 4013,长久以来一直被认为是个孤立的宇宙岛。
- Still there were some chose to stay in the subjugated area, living within Shanghai rent inside boundary, which was called isolated island. 还有一部分文化人选择了留守沦陷区,进入被称为孤岛的上海租界内。
- The isolated island working face is surrounded with the goaf and its Surrounding coal column and goaf have a tendency of spontaneous combustion. 孤岛综放工作面四周均与采空区相连,其四周煤柱和工作面采空区易于出现自燃发火。
- This most isolated island of the world, lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, very famous by his giant and enigmatic stones : the Moai. 复活岛是世界上最被孤立的岛屿,座落在太平洋中间,最有名的是他们的巨石雕塑:Moai。
- He stayed for four years alone in the isolate island. 他独自一人在荒岛上呆了四年.
- Grid technology has strong support ability for profounder level data integration in GIP, provides the possibility for solving isolated island of information. 它为政府信息门户中更深层次的数据集成提供了强大的技术支持,为彻底消除系统中的信息孤岛提供了可能。
- The recent outbreak of Chikungunya in the Indian Ocean is particularly interesting as the dynamics of emergence have been exmained in relatively isolated island populations. 近来在印度洋暴发的基孔肯雅病就特别有趣, 这个在岛上相对孤立的人群中爆发的传染动态过程被研究过。
- Coagulase negative staphylococci are the commonest blood culture isolate from infants on neonatal intensive care units. 摘要凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌是新生儿加护病房最常见血液阳性培养。
- IHE Integration profiles can drive information system within healthcare institution in IHE technical framework, To resolve “isolated island "of medical information. IHE技术框架下的集成模式能成功地推动医疗机构中信息系统的集成,解决医疗信息的“孤岛”现象。
- However, the current site is like an isolated island: the magistracy is abandoned, pedestrian flow is broken by the road fences, ground pedestrian movement is highly restricted. 但基地现时的状况如同孤岛,裁判法院被丢空,行人流线被无间断的道路围栏切断,基地与周边连接的行人路径严重欠奉, 基地周边的地面活动及本身的使用率接近零。
- Kim Heeseon has drawn this Utopia as an isolated island as to not allow us to fall into the pitfall of nihilism, and encourages us to be free from the reality of fixed ideology. 金希宣把这个乌托邦塑造成一个孤岛,她避免我们坠入虚无主义的谬误里,并有意奉劝我们在固有观念的实体当中开辟自由的意义。
- The loneliness in the crowds and the desolateness amidst all the excitement made him feel like many other people living on this solitary island.His mental state too was like a solitary, isolated island. 拥挤里的孤寂,热闹里的凄凉,使他像许多住在这孤岛上的人,心灵也仿佛一个无凑畔的孤岛。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。