- Good human and culture environment. 良好的人文环境。
- Construction of high-brow culture environment in institutes of P.E. 体育院校营造高品位文化氛围的理性思考。
- Focus on the carrier and the steerer and build the clean politics culture environment. 抓载体抓引导,营造浓厚的廉政文化氛围;
- Creating an equal social sex culture environment and dispelling the sexism to eliminate these origins. 要根除这些根源,就要营造平等的社会性别文化,消除性别歧视;
- Foster good managing the ethics cultural environment publically . 培育良好的公共管理伦理文化环境。
- It’s east is ShangHai and west is HangZhou.Ascendant position and special human culture environment gestated our lively LuFeng Electronics Factory. 优越的地理位置,独特的人文环境蕴育了生机无限的绿风电子。
- Objective In order to study the effect of different temperature,humidity and culture environment on the survival activity of Psoroptes ovis. 目的检测不同温度及培养环境对离体绵羊痒螨生存能力的影响,进一步了解痒螨的传播机制,为制定防治痒螨的有效措施提供理论基础。
- A minimal cell is a hypothetical cell possessing the minimum functions required for sustained growth and reproduction in a maximally supportive culture environment. 最小细胞指的是一个假象的细胞,它在最大可能好的的培养环境下,能够完成最少的生物学功能维持自身的生长和繁殖。
- But, Nickerson says, “there’s no question that this low-fluid-shear culture environment is a critical environment that cells can sense and respond to. 不过,尼克森教授说:“有一点毫无疑问的是,这种低流动剪切力的培养环境至关重要,它是细胞能够感知并做出反应的一种环境。”
- Transition of Liu Zhenyun doesn"t take place occasionally, and is inevitable outcome of his creative history, also is the inevitability of 90s"culture environment. 刘震云的转变并不是突然间发生的,而是他创作历史的必然结果,也是90年代文化语境下的必然产物。
- An exoterica that satisfied the certain human culture environment in the certain storied town must be an exoterica that combine the culture factor and the economic factor tight. 在商业环境设计中,只有准确掌握城市的人文特征,理解商业环境延续的内涵,才能创作出符合特定历史文化名城人文环境的作品。
- Strategies that adapt to the Bolivian social and cultural environment. 运用被调整后并适用于玻利维亚社会文化之工具、设备和策略。
- The authors pointed out that the metrological control occupied an important place in the culture environment of hospital, which is worthy of close attention. 计量管理在医院文化中具有显著地位,应该受到关注。
- Their growth itself is a culture phenomenon.And the relation between entrepreneur and culture environment is interaction and mutual causal rather than unidirectional and negative. 企业家成长与文化环境之间,不是一种单向的、被动的关系,而是一种“相互影响、相互作用、互为因果”的关系。
- The aspects of politics,economy and culture in the issue of human environment are important factors which influence the cultural environ. 人文环境中的政治、经济和文化等条件也是影响文化生态的重要因素。
- Cultural development is an important element for building a cohesive society and a vibrant cultural environment will contribute to our economic development. 同时,文化蓬勃发展也可以为经济的繁荣进步作出贡献。
- Which was a long period featuring dramatic changes in both dance and its surrounding natural and cultural environment. 这是一个时间跨度极深,舞蹈本体及依存的生态环境、文化氛围变化也很大的阶段。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The domestic cultural environment is determining the validity in practice of this kind of system innovation. 国内文化环境则决定著这种制度创新在实践上的是否有效性。
- Pulin Industrial Park is situated in such a picturesque natural scenery and profound social cultural environment. 普林工业园就座落在这一片美丽如画的自然环境和深厚凝重的人文环境之中。